词汇 | appealer |
释义 | ap·peal·er make an earnest request take a question to a higher court where it can be heard again and a new decision given interest make an appeal to the umpire or referee an earnest request being attractive or interesting to sb an entreaty to stop the fighting an appeal for help an appeal to the public to keep calm his smile was part of his appeal to her their appeal was denied in the superior court an appeal to raise money for starving children He was found guilty but appealed immediately appeal to somebody for help Invoke God in times of trouble The idea of a vacation appeals to me The beautiful garden attracted many people She appealed the verdict He invoked the law that would save him I appealed to the law of 1900 She invoked an ancient law 这些动词均含“请求,恳求”之意。 plead指谦卑而又不失尊严地请求,侧重迫切感。 appeal常指以道义原则为基础或以法律为依据的请求。 beg比plead通俗,不用于法律范畴,指低声下气地请求,有时含贬义,指某人喋喋不休地要求得到帮助。 petition指正式而热切地请愿或祈求。 entreat的意义与beg的大致相同,但较文雅。 pray指祈求,多用于宗教用语中。 提起上诉 ask a higher court of law to reconsider (a judgment made by a lower court) 呼吁 make a special request for (usually money or behaviour) 对…有吸引力 be attracted appeal的基本意思是强烈的请求他人注意某事或希望他人认真考虑自己的请求,即“呼吁”“恳求”; 也常表示坚持让人听其申诉,由此引申而表示法律上的“上诉”; appeal所表示的申诉有时含有动用感情试图引起有利于自己的反应或裁决之意,由此引申可表示“有感染力”“有吸引力”。此外, appeal还可表示“诉诸”“诉诸裁决或证实”。 appeal除美式英语中表示“将…上诉”时用作及物动词外,一般用作不及物动词。表示“向…呼吁”“对…有吸引力”“诉诸…”时可接介词to; 表示“呼吁”时可接介词for; 表示“不服…而上诉”则可接介词against或from。 appeal用作名词的基本意思是“恳求”,指急切地请求给予帮助,用于法律上则指“上诉”; 也可指向裁判员提出请求和抗议; appeal后接to sb表示“恳求的对象”,接for sth表示“恳求的内容”。 on appeal的意思是“在上诉中”,注意appeal前无冠词。 appeal还可作“感染力,吸引力”解,是不可数名词。 appeal作不及物动词时,后面常接to,而appeal to常表示不同意思。例:appeal to the court 向法院上诉, appeal to history 弓|证历史, appeal to the public 向大众呼吁, appeal to patriotism 引起爱国心, appeal to force 求助于武力。I appeal to you to say whether I am not right.我求你说我是否不对。 在美国,appeal还常作及物动词,指“将案件上诉”。 在英美,appeal against均指“因不服……而上诉”。 在appeal to 后接宾语再加不定式时,要注意不定式所修饰的对象会不同。 “上诉人”是appellant,注意不要错用appealer来表示。 同义词 |
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