

单词 logarithm
释义 log·a·rithm 英ˈlɔːgəˌrɪðəm, ˈlɒgə-美ˈlɔgəˌrɪðəm, ˈlɑgə-AHDlôʹgə-rĭY”əm, lŏgʹə- ☆☆☆☆☆高ISCOCA⁶³²⁷²BNC²⁹⁴⁰⁷iWeb²²⁶⁹⁶

the exponent required to produce a given number来自拉丁语logarithmus,由苏格兰数学家John Napier于1610年造出来的一个词,来自logos,词,思考,比例,词源同logic,arithmos,数字,词源同arithmetic.Napierian logarithm自然对数,讷皮尔对数…table of logarithm对数表common logarithm数常用对数…briggs logarithm布氏对数arithmetic logarithm算术对数logarithm conversion对数换算binary logarithm二进制对数complex logarithm复对数modulus of logarithm对数的模hyperbolic logarithm双曲线对数,自然对数…denary logarithm以10为底的对数…logarithm transformation对数变换
log-arithm⇒n.数对数近义词 log原木

用作名词It is not possible to obtain thelogarithmof a negative number.不可能的获得负数的对数。as in.numeric
同义词 numericalarithmetic,arithmetical,binary,differential,digital,exponential,fractional,integrated,logarithmic,mathematical,numerary,statisticalas in.numerical
同义词 numericalgebraic,algorithmic,arithmetic,arithmetical,binary,differential,digital,exponential,fractional,logarithmic,mathematical,numerary,statistical
more numericadjective mathematical
more numericaladjective concerning mathematics
most numericadjective mathematical
most numericaladjective concerning mathematics
numeric/numericaladjective concerning mathematics
algebraic,algorithmic,arithmetic,arithmetical,binary,differential,digital,exponent,exponential,fraction,fractional,integral,logarithm,logarithmic,mathematical,numeral,numerary,statistical A logarithm tells you what power a base number must be raised to in order to produce a given value.
对数说明一个底数的几次幂等于一个给定的值。 ibm

In the new teaching material of senior maths, it introduces the basic function pictures, such as index number function picture, logarithm function picture etc.
高中数学新教材中介绍了基本函数图象,如指数函数图象,对数函数图象等。 cnki

The Math class has had a natural logarithm function since Java1.0.
从 Java1.0开始, Math类有了一个自然对数。 ibm

The safety of this scheme is based on the intractable problem of solving Discrete Logarithm.
方案的安全是基于解离散对数为困难问题。 cnki

The security of Elliptic Curve CryptogrphyECC is based on the difficulty of elliptic curve discrete logarithm.
椭圆曲线密码体制的安全性基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题的难解性。 http://dj.iciba.com

An estimated logarithm of parameter with good stability and quick convergence BFGS logarithm is suggested.
提出一种稳定性好、收敛速度快的参数估计算法—— BFGS算法。 iciba

Based on the thermodynamical theory, linear relationship between the logarithm of capacity factor and carbon number for homologues in supercritical fluid chromatography has been derived.
根据色谱热力学理论,推导出超出临界流体色谱中同系物的容量因子对数与碳数间的直线方程。 cnki

Calculates the natural logarithm of a quaternion.
计算四元数的自然对数。 kuenglish

Can occur if you try to calculate the square root or logarithm of a negative number.
如果你试着计算否定数目的正直根或对数,能发生。 blog.sina.com.cn

Especially for SAR image, a natural logarithm transforms multiplicative noise to additive noise so that SAR image can be suppressed via the soft threshold denoising scheme.
对于 SAR图象的压缩编码,通过一个自然对数变换,使得乘性噪声转变为适于软门限去噪的加性噪声。 cnki

In cryptography, we also need to discuss modular logarithm.
在密码学中,我们也需要讨论模对数。 iciba

Replaces the current quaternion with its natural logarithm.
用当前四元数的自然对数替换此四元数。 kuenglish

Returns the natural logarithm of a specified number.
返回数值的自然对数。 kuenglish

Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric expression.
返回数值表达式的自然对数。 kuenglish

That is, given an argument x, the natural logarithm returns the power to which e must be raised to give the value x.
也就是给定一个参数 x,该自然对数返回 e的几次幂等于给定的值 x。 ibm

The following example returns the result of raising a base-10 logarithm to a specified power.
以下示例返回对以10为底的对数执行指定幂计算的结果。 kuenglish

The second approach is to use the concept of discrete logarithm. Understanding this concept requires understanding some properties of multiplicative groups.
第二种方法就是运用离散对数的概念。要掌握这些概念首先需要了解乘法群的概念。 iciba

This paper introduces a basic conception of logarithm amplifier and a useful logarithmic amplifier using the chip of AD8313 that has a wide bandwidth, high dynamic range and high accuracy.
介绍了对数放大器的基本概念以及利用AD8313对数放大器集成芯片研制的实用宽带、大动态范围、高精度对数放大器模块。 cnki

This led him to calculate that the information content of any event was proportional to the logarithm of its inverse probability of occurrence.
这使他提出了这样的推论:事件的信息容量与事件发生逆概率的对数成正比。 ecocn.org

This plots the logarithm to base10 of the values on the axis.
此命令在轴上绘制以10为底的值的对数。 ibm

Value containing the logarithm of a specified number.
值,此值包含指定数字的对数。 kuenglish




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