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log 英lɔːg, lɒg美lɔg, lɑgAHDlôg, lŏg ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝4八COCA⁴⁵⁴¹BNC⁶³⁹³iWeb²²²⁸Economist¹²⁶²⁷ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 🪵n.原木³³;圆木⁴¹;航海、飞行日志;船计程仪v.伐木²⁶;记入日志复数logs过去分词logged现在分词logging三单logs 便捷网银工作文书木头植物学文章,书籍,信件
n.名词 C原木,木材,木料a thick round piece of wood from a tree C航海〔飞行〕日志an official record of journey especially in a ship or plane v.动词 vt. & vi. 采伐cut down vi. 把…记入航海日志record in a log vt. 航行,飞行travel a distance or length of time Noun: a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branchesthe exponent required to produce a given numbera written record of messages sent or received;they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station an email log a written record of events on a voyage of a ship or planemeasuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water Verb: enter into a log, as on ships and planescut lumber, as in woods and forestslumber,timber,wood,log这些名词均有“木材”、“木”之意。 lumber指伐下后未经削磨的木材,现多用于美国英语中。 timber指经过匠人初步加工的备用木材,多用于英国英语。 wood最普通用词,含义广,除表示“木材,木”外,还可用复数形式表示森林。 log指原木或圆木。 来自日耳曼语,本意是“原木,木料”。古代航海时,常使用log-line来测量船只航速,它由多片log木板构成,串在一条绳索上,通过log浮出水面所用时间来计算航速。船员需要定时记录航速、方向等信息,称其为log。所以log一词也可表示航海日志。 用作名词 n. 动词+~float the logs down the river把圆木顺着河流漂下去keep a log记航海〔飞行〕日志roll the logs into a river把大木头滚入河中saw a log in two把一根木头锯成两截saw the logs into boards把木头锯成木板split a log劈木头名词+~ship's log轮船的航海日志介词+~in one's log在日志中sleep like a log睡得死死地raft of logs木筏用作动词 v.~+名词log timber伐木头log tree伐树~+副词log in开始工作log off结束工作log on开始工作log up把…记入航海或飞行日志;航行或飞行;记载~+介词log for a living以伐木为生log into把…锯成 用作动词v. log in〔on〕 v.+adv.
开始工作 (especially concerning a large calculating machine to start work) log in〔on〕In order to log in you have to type in a special password.为了进入,你必须打入特殊的通行密码。 State when you logged on, and remember to write down the time you log off.写明注册时间,并记住写下你注销的时间。 log off v.+adv.
结束工作 (especially concerning a large calculating machine to finish work) log offIt took two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at 4 o'clock.我们花了两个小时才完成计算,因而是在四点结束工作的。 log up v.+adv.
取得 achieve 故事记忆空中满是 Fog雾混着各种 Smog烟雾出来晨练 Jog慢跑踩到一只 Frog蛙撞到一根 Log原木砸死一条 Dog狗GRE红宝书现在流行blog网上日志,就是weblog的简称,也叫博客或部落格;音:楼阁,是用木头,木料搭的GRE难词记忆log 音“老哥”→老歌的航海日志谐音记忆log音“老哥”⇒老歌的航海日志非常记忆dog狗⇒狗叼着1l根木材近义词 diarystampjournaln. block 用作名词n.We transport logs by trains.我们用火车运送圆木。 The captain described the accident in the ship's log.船长在航海日志中描述了这场事故。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe college students spent their summer logging in the wood.大学生们暑假里在森林里伐木。 They log for a living.他们以伐木为生。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.They logged most of the trees in the area.他们采伐了该地区的大部分树木。 They logged a large part of the trees.他们砍伐了一大片树木。 They logged the timber into 7-foot length.他们把那根木材切成七英尺长。 He logged the ship's speed at 10 knots.他在航海日志之中记下船速每小时十海里。 The plane logs 700 miles an hour.这架飞机以700英里的时速飞行。Plog-down注销Plogwayn.筏道Plog-on注册登记Psawlogn.可锯木Plogwoodn.洋苏木Plogya.迟缓的呆呆的Plog-out运行记录注销Ploggeda.笨重的湿透的Pwaterloggingn.涝水浸Plog-off注销\\退出系统\\Ploggingn.采运作业记录Pmicrologger微型记录器Ploggerheadn.红海龟笨蛋Plog-book航海日志飞行日志Pwaterloggeda.浸满水的涝的Ploggern.樵夫圆木装车机记录器Pwaterlogvt.使浸满水使进水失控Plogjamn.拥挤行不通为许多圆木材所阻Plogbookn.航海日志航空日志飞机航程表Plogrollingn.滚木材相互吹棒水上踩滚木Plog-in请求联机联通注册进入系统登记记入Plogrollvi.滚木材互助相互吹棒vt.互投赞成票使通过Pbacklogn.积压待办的事务积压而未交付的订货积压的工作vt.储备把…积压起来
log作“伐木,切木材”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用于及物动词时其后常接“树木,林木,木材”等之类的名词作宾语。 log作“把…记入航海日志”解时,用作及物动词。 log还可作“以…速度航行或飞行”解,用作及物动词,其后常接有关速度的名词作宾语。 log后可接in〔on〕表示“开始工作”;接off表示“结束工作”。 log的过去式和过去分词均为logged。 名词52%,动词48% 用作名词They are sawing aloginto planks.他们把原木锯成一块块厚板。 My brother is choppinglogsfor the fire.我哥哥正在为生火劈柴。 Aloggot in his way as he drove.一根圆木挡住了他开车的去路。 Thelogtwiddled round and round in the river.那根圆木在河水中转来转去。 The captain described the accident in the ship'slog.船长在航海日志中描述了这次事故。用作动词We'llloganother section of the area today.今天我们要砍伐另一部分林区的树木。 How much downtime did weloglast week?上周我们的工作日志上记录有多少停工的时间?noun.stump of tree 同义词 chunk,piece,timber,woodblock,bole,driftwood,length,stick,trunknoun.record 同义词 chart,diary,journalaccount,book,daybook,listing,logbook,register,tally calendarnoun schedule of events agenda,almanac,annal,bulletin,card,chronology,daybook,diary,docket,journal,lineup,list,logbook,menology,pipeline,program,record,register,sked,system of reckoning,tab,table,time,timetable daybooknoun journal Filofax™album,datebook,diary,ledger,log,logbook,memo pad,notebook,record,scrapbook diarynoun recounting of activities in writing account,agenda,appointment book,chronicle,daily record,daybook,engagement book,journal,log,minutes,notebook,record documentverb record catalog,chronicle,cite,detail,log,note,register,report,write down documentingverb record cataloging,chronicling,citing,detailing,logging,noting,registering,reporting,writing down enterverb record, list admit,docket,inject,inscribe,insert,intercalate,interpolate,introduce,log,note,post,put in,register,set down,take down Note that if you have been testing the Out of Office agent by running it on the client, it will overwrite the log generated during execution on the server. 请注意,如果已经通过在客户机上运行测试了离开办公室代理,那么它将在服务器上执行期间重写所生成的日志。 ibm Therefore, your operations on the application under test might be a success, but they might not be clean because of the exceptions or warnings in the log file. 因此,您对测试程序所做的操作可能是成功的,但是它们可能并不是简洁的,因为日志文件中有例外情况及警告的存在。 ibm |