

单词 loftiness
释义 loft·i·ness 英'lɒftɪnɪs美'lɔf 高COCA¹³⁷⁶²⁴BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵¹⁸⁶⁶

the quality of being high or loftyimpressiveness in scale or proportionlofty高的
lofti,-ness名词后缀⇒n.高⁵⁷;高尚;崇高³⁷近义词 glory光荣stature身高dignity尊严disdain轻蔑snobbery势利arrogance傲慢majesty最高权威haughtiness傲慢stateliness威严highnesshighness:(地位…condescension自以为高人一等…

用作名词We will restlessly pursueloftinessand preeminence.我们永远追求崇高与卓越。
But there was no diminution in theloftinessof his feeling for her.但是他对她的崇高感情并未因此而变化。noun.arrogance
同义词 airs,aloofness,audacity,bluster,braggadocio,brass,cheek,chutzpah,conceit,conceitedness,contemptuousness,crust,disdain,disdainfulness,ego,egotism,gall,haughtiness,hauteur,high-handedness,hubris,imperiousness,insolence,lordliness,nerve,ostentation,overbearingness,pomposity,pompousness,presumption,pretension,pretentiousness,pride,pridefulness,priggishness,self-importance,self-love,smugness,superciliousness,superiority,swagger,vanityoverbearance,proudness,scornfulness
反义词 carefulness,caution,humility,meekness,modesty,respect,shyness,timidity,truth
altitudenoun height in the sky
arrogancenoun exaggerated self-opinion
condescendencenoun condescension
condescensionnoun disdain, superiority
airs,civility,deference,haughtiness,loftiness,lordliness,patronage,patronizing attitude,superciliousness,toleration
dignitynoun excellence, nobility
disdainnoun hate;indifference
antipathy,arrogance,aversion,contempt,contumely,derision,despisal,despisement,despite,dislike,disparagement,hatred,haughtiness,hauteur,insolence,loftiness,pride,ridicule,scorn,sneering,snobbishness,superbity,superciliousness And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
骄傲的必屈膝,狂妄的必降卑。在那日,惟独耶和华被尊崇。 ebigear

At present moral education in institutions of higher learning has some shortage because it only aims at “the loftiness of personality”.
我国高校道德教育的目的现实定位于“人格高尚”,由此导致许多弊端; cnki

In ancient Chinese mythologies, there are aesthetic features of both beauty in tragedy and beauty in loftiness.
我国上古神话体现了悲剧美和崇高美的美学特征。 dictall

Now this I say, that no man may deceive you by loftiness of words.
我说这话,免得有人以巧言花语欺骗你们。 ccreadbible

Only by fully understanding and attaching importance to the holiness and loftiness of people's right of supervision can we guarantee the realization of people's sovereignty in socialist countries.
充分认识并重视人民监督权的神圣性与至高性是实现社会主义国家人民主权原则的根本保证。 cnki

Second, lofty: The loftiness is a kind of embodiment of the heroism spirit in fact, mean persons and natural trial of strength and surmount.
崇高性:崇高实质上是英雄主义精神的一种体现,意味着人与自然的较量与超越。 cnki

The brightness of sense which is closely related with loftiness.
与崇高紧紧相连的新中华理性美的光芒照耀; jukuu

The loftiness belong to aesthetic sphere which do much good to taste joviality, as is needed by the Chinese teaching.
崇高是一种能给人带来审美愉悦的美学范畴,语文教学需要这样的情感美育。 cnki

Although there exists some differences between harmony and loftiness, there are still some connections.
和谐与崇高尽管有一定的区别,但二者又有联系。 cnki

Always think a lot of money to spend, now or in the struggle for this goal, although grebe false loftiness.
以前总是想有很多的钱花,现在还是在为这个目标奋斗,虽然嘴上假清高。 qqkua

Efforts should be made to manifest the positive side of our national personality with attention paid to both the graciousness and the loftiness of life.
要努力表现民族性格的积极面,既要关注生活中的优美形态,又要表现生活中的崇高美; mediachina

It is an expanse of the green sea, an affectionate song, and the loftiness of the holy and grassland, where thousands of miles are covered by flowers.
那是绿色海的辽阔, 那是情深意切的歌, 那是草原、圣洁的高远,那是万里鲜花烂漫。 nmggw

It reveals to us something about their idealism and a certain kind of loftiness of soul.

It suggests, from the beginning, a kind of loftiness and impartiality of perspective characteristic of the philosopher, but not necessarily the citizen.

Main parts of aesthetics as beauty and loftiness, ugliness and absurdness don't preexist alone but are formed at the same time with aesthetic activities.
优美与崇高、丑与荒诞等审美主体都不是先在地独立存在的,而是在审美活动中同时现实地生成的。 cnki

Secondly, clearing up the loftiness and common customs.
第二,消解崇高与世俗化。 cnki

The third chapter mainly talks about the “ loftiness” and“ tragedy” aesthetic value of Liu from the aesthetic aspect.
第三章,主要从美学角度分析柳儿形象的“崇高”和“悲剧性”审美价值; cnki

We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.
我们都被他那种崇高品质所深深打动。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yisha strives to eliminate a positive discourse in order to uncover the veil of existence by removing loftiness to realise self salvation of mankind.
伊沙通过消解崇高,竭力祛除约定话语对存在的遮蔽,力争实现人类的自我救赎; cnki

Loftiness, either in nature or society or in aesthetic psychology, all has some harmonious elements, and there is no exception.
崇高中含有和谐的因素,是在自然界的或社会的崇高中,还是在崇高的审美心理中,均概莫能外。 cnki




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