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Lockett ˈlɑːkət 高 基本例句 n.洛基特¹⁰⁰ Lockett: Of course! What's the matter?洛基特:是的,有什么事吧? Lockett: You know what time it is?洛基特:现在几点了?! KH: After theLockettfight I got the impression you were more interested in winning all the belts but it was your promoter Bob Arum who wanted the Hopkins fight.记者肯西斯.;纳:战罢罗奇特之后,让我印象极深的是:你很想夺取该级别几大组织的所有头衔,但你的推广人阿鲁姆却要你和霍普金斯比赛。 with a foreword by ClayLockett.作者声明: by Don Dedera ; Mike Right,AndyLockett:“Venture Capital Investors,Capital Markets,Valuation and Information”, “Journal of International Enterprenership”,2;胡海峰,创业资本投资过程的契约安排:理论回顾与展望,南开经济研究;,2002(30; |