释义 |
locke'BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 例句 Between the two was utilitarian liberalism which gave up the theory of natural law of Locke' s liberalism and took utilitarian principle as the basic principle of moral and legislation. 而功利主义的自由主义介于两者之间,它抛弃了洛克自由主义的自然法则理论,将功利原则视为道德与立法的根本原则。 cnki The Federalist political philosophy was based on the European post- enlightenment knowledge. They adopted Locke' s reason to build the political legitimacy of the Federal Constitution; 美国联邦党人的政治哲学建立在欧洲启蒙运动后的智识基础之上,他们通过洛克的理性,确立起联邦宪法的政治合法性; d.wanfangdata.com.cn |