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词汇 lock
释义 lock 英lɒk美lɑkAHDlŏk ★★★☆☆小初中高四研I牛4COCA²⁷⁶³BNC⁵³⁰³iWeb²⁵²³Economist⁶¹³⁶

vt. & vi. 锁住,锁上

fasten a door with a lock;become fixed

vt. & vi. 使固定

cause to become fixed, unable to move


an apparatus for closing and fastening sth, usually, by means of a key


a stretch of water closed off by gates, especially on a canal, so that the water level can be raised or lowered to move boats up or down a slope


a small piece of hair

a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closeda strand or cluster of haira mechanism that detonates the charge of a gunenclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through ita restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the keyany wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
fasten with a lock;

lock the bike to the fence

keep engaged;

engaged the gears

become rigid or immoveable;

The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise

hold in a locking position;

He locked his hands around her neck

become engaged or intermeshed with one another;

They were locked in embrace

hold fast in a certain state;

He was locked in a laughing fit

place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape;

The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend

She locked her jewels in the safe

pass by means through a lock in a waterwaybuild locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels

❌ She locked the door with a lock.

✔️ She locked the door.

“把门锁上”只需说lock the door,而无需再接with a lock。

用作动词 v.
~+名词lock arms挽臂lock bicycle锁自行车lock box锁门lock drawer锁上抽屉lock gate锁门~+副词lock automatically自动地锁lock briefly简洁地锁lock carefully仔细地锁lock cautiously小心地锁lock discreetly慎重地锁lock half-heartedly马虎地锁lock hastily仓促地锁lock mechanically机械地锁lock modestly谨慎地锁lock nervously紧张地锁lock prudently谨慎地锁lock quickly迅速地锁lock speedily快速地锁lock staunchly可靠地锁lock suspiciously不放心地锁lock away把…锁起来lock away the records把记录锁藏起来lock in将…锁在里面,把…包围起来lock out将…锁在外面lock up将…锁住,把某人关押起来~+介词lock from从…锁…lock into把…锁在lock onto接牢,紧连lock with用…锁用作名词 n.动词+~break a lock开锁change a lock换锁头design a lock设计锁fit a lock安锁fix a lock安锁force a lock用力把锁撬开open a lock把锁打开pick a lock用非钥匙之物撬锁put lock装锁set lock设置锁test lock检测锁形容词+~broken lock破锁头crude lock未加工的锁double lock将钥匙转动两次的双重锁shattering lock破损的锁solid lock牢固的锁头bushy lock浓密的头发careless lock乱蓬蓬的头发curly lock鬈发dangling lock摇晃的头发dense lock浓密的头发disheveled lock散乱的头发dripping lock湿淋淋的头发fearful lock吓人的头发flat lock扁平的头发floating lock漂动的头发flowing lock光滑的头发glossy lock光滑的头发golden lock金发式的头发hoary lock灰白的头发massy lock长而浓密的头发obstinate lock粗硬的头发raven lock乌油油的头发scanty lock稀少的头发shining lock光亮的头发shorn lock修剪过的头发silken lock柔软光滑的头发snaky lock弯曲的头发sparse lock稀疏的头发stiff lock硬挺挺的头发thin lock稀疏的头发tumbled lock杂乱的头发unruly lock难梳理的头发whitened lock变白了的头发名词+~arm lock夹臂head lock夹头safety lock保险锁spring lock弹簧锁time lock定时锁介词+~in the lock在锁中on the lock锁着的under lock and key监禁~+介词lock on the door门锁lock to a door门锁
lock away v.+adv.

把某物锁起来 keep sth safe under lock and key

lock sth ⇔ awayShe locked her memories of him away in her heart.她把对他的怀念埋藏在心里。
This is too valuable to be left lying about, lock it away somewhere.这东西太贵重了,不能随处放置,找个地方锁起来。
The prisoner is securely locked away.那个犯人已被监禁起来了。
Don't worry, the dangerous criminals have all been locked away.别担心,所有的危险犯人都已被关起来了。
lock in¹ v.+adv.

使固定 become fixed, unable to move

lock in² v.+prep.

把…锁在…内 keep sb/sth safe under lock and key

lock sb/oneself/sth in sthTom has locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to any member of the family.汤姆把自己锁在他的房间内,拒绝和家里任何人讲话。
Although the jewels were locked in a strong box, the thieves stole them without any difficulty.尽管珠宝被锁在一个结实的箱子里,小偷还是毫不费力地把它们偷走了。
lock out v.+adv.

关在外边,不准某人进入… prevent sb, oneself, or sth from entering a room or building, with a lock and key

lock sb/oneself ⇔ outThe management has locked the men out.资方封闭工厂,阻止工人进厂开工。
I locked myself out by mistake.我没留心,把自己锁在外面了。
The men were locked out in response to their refusal to operate the new machines.作为对工人们拒绝操作新机器的回答,雇主不准他们进厂。
lock up v.+adv.

将某人或某物锁住〔关押〕 keep sth safe under lock and key;prevent sb from escaping;put sb in prison or a hospital

lock sb/sth ⇔ upWill you lock up the house, please?请将房门锁起来,好吗?
He locked up the jewels in a box.他把珠宝放在箱子里锁好。
I always lock up my money in a strong box.我总是把钱放在一个结实的盒子里,锁好保管起来。
People usually lock up the house before they go to bed at night.人们通常在夜晚睡觉之前将房门锁好。
I can't imagine how the rain got in, because we had locked up all the windows tightly.所有窗户都关得很严实,我想象不到雨是怎么进来的。
They have locked up all their capital in that enterprise.他们已把他们的所有资本都滞压在那家企业了。
They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.他们已把犯人监禁在单身牢房里。
She's crazy;she ought to be locked up.她疯了,应该关进疯人院。
He's been locked up for receiving stolen goods.他由于窝藏赃物而被关押起来。
When he became violent, the drunk was taken to the police station and locked up for the night.那个醉汉行凶,被带到派出所里关了一夜。
The idea is locked up in his brains.We know nothing.他把自己的想法藏在脑子里,我们一无所知。
All my money has been locked up in property for the last ten years.最近10年,我所有的钱都套死在房地产上了。
The idea of being locked up in jail filled her with horror.想到要被关进监狱,她充满恐惧。用作名词n.lock, stock and barrel

完全,全部 completely

under lock and key

锁藏于建筑物〔集装箱、房间〕之中 in a locked building〔container,room〕

故事记忆有一个 Cock公鸡穿一双 Sock袜子想把人 Mock模仿脚被人 Lock锁住找一块 Rock岩石狠狠地 Knock敲把主人 Shock震惊故事记忆 Cock公鸡穿着 Sock短袜走, Mock嘲笑 Rock岩石 Lock锁 Dock码头 小学英语速记音律记忆:先来knock the door敲门,没人再lock the door锁门联想记忆著名保鲜盒品牌:Lock & Lock乐扣乐扣非常记忆look看⇒我看到门锁上了近义词 hasplatchfastenv. boltlatchn. bolt反义词 unlock开锁
S+~+AThe safe locks easily.这保险柜容易锁。
This trunk won't lock.这个皮箱锁不上。
This suitcase won't lock because it is too full.这个箱子锁不上,因为装得太满了。
I can't control the car, the wheels have locked.我无法操纵这辆汽车,车轮给卡死了。
The wheel locked when he braked and the car skidded.他刹车后轮子就不转动了,车还是滑行了一段。
S+~+ n./pron.Be sure to lock the warehouse when you leave.你离开仓库时,请一定把它锁上。
Race locked the door and took the key with him.雷斯锁上了门,并带走了钥匙。
He locked the rear wheel of the bike to prevent it from being stolen.他把自行车后轮锁上,以防被盗。
The students locked arms and sang the school song.学生们挽着手臂,唱起校歌。
We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen.我们应该避免亡羊补牢。
The door was locked and we were unable to enter.门是锁住的,我们进不去。
He pulled the door, but the door was locked.他拉了拉门,但门是锁着的。
One of the bedrooms was locked and a low moan came from it.有一间寝室的门锁着,里面传出了微弱的呻吟声。
He had overlooked the fact that the back door was not locked.他忽略了后门没有锁这一事实。
Her jaws were tightly locked.她牙关紧闭。其他v -ed as o-Compl.I have a secret safely locked in my breast.我将秘密隐藏在心底。用作名词n.This lock is damaged.This door will never open!这把锁坏了,门开不开了!
Something has gone wrong with the lock;it won't work.这把锁有毛病,锁不上了。
He found the thieves were forcing the lock of the jewel case.他发现窃贼在撬珠宝盒上的锁。
He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock.当钥匙断在锁中时,他发了火。
I can't force the key into this lock, it won't work.我不能把钥匙插进锁里,这把钥匙开不了这把锁。
She has a lock but she bought another one as an additional insurance against thieves.她有一把锁,但她又买了一把作为防范盗贼的另外一个保险措施。
Each drawer was fitted with a lock.每个抽屉上都安装了一把锁。
In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another.做思想工作时,必须学会“一把钥匙开一把锁”,因为适用于一个人的方法不一定适用于另一个人。
After the burglary she had all the locks changed.在遭到盗窃以后,她把所有的锁都换了。
The ship passed through a lock in a canal.轮船通过了运河上的船闸。
The lock keeper closed the lock gates.水闸管理员关上了闸门。
She keeps a lock of his hair.她保留着他的一缕头发。
He gazed in the mirror at his greyinglocks.他凝视着镜中自己日渐花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。Psublock子锁Plock-ing锁定Plockedup锁定Plock-inn.禁闭Plock-onn.追踪Pbitelock咬合锁Pheadlockn.夹头Plocking-in固锁Pair-lockvt.堵住Plocking锁定加锁Plocksmithn.锁匠Pweighlockn.衡闸Pcharlockn.田芥菜Phavelockn.遮阳布Plockwire安全锁线Pwaterlocksn.水闸Pgunlockn.炮机枪机Phead-lock胎头交锁Plock-finger锁指症Plocknutn.防松螺母Plockoutn.封闭工厂Pmatchlockn.火绳枪Pnon-locking非锁定Pwedlockn.结婚生活Plockeda.僵持不下的Pspringlockn.弹簧锁Pwaterlockeda.环水的Plocksmann.船闸管理人Pinterlockinga.连锁的Plock-hospital性病医院Pputlockn.脚手跳板搁材Pdeadlock-free无死锁的Pdelay-locked延迟锁定的Plock-chainn.锁车轮链条Plockern.抽屉小柜上锁人Plockkeepern.水闸看守人Plockmastern.闸门管理人Plockupn.关门时间拘留所Pairlockn.气塞气闸气密舱Pdouble-lockvt.给…上双锁Pelflockn.鬈结的头发卷发Plock-up锁位固定搁置锁起Plockjawn.破伤风牙关紧闭Pfootlockern.军人用床脚柜Plandlockeda.被陆地围住的Plock-out停工停业工厂关闭Plockable可封闭的可锁定的Plocklessa.无锁的无船闸的Plockstitchn.双线连锁缝法Pself-lockinga.自动上锁的Pberlock香料皮炎伯洛克皮炎Pdeadlock-freeness无死锁性Plocketn.金属装饰小盒金属小盒Ppicklockn.撬锁工具撬锁人盗贼Pinterlockv.连结连锁n.连锁连结Pgoldilocksn.金发的人金发状毛莨Plockstepn.紧密行进步伐因循守旧Pforelockn.额发额毛销vt.用销销住Psynchrolock同步保持电路同步锁定Pdeadlockn.僵局停顿v.停顿相持不下Plockagen.通过船闸船闸通行税船闸系统Ppadlockn.挂锁关闭禁止进入v.用挂锁锁住Pfirelockn.以燧石发火的旧式枪燧发枪兵明火枪Punlockvt.开…的锁开启表露放出vi.被开启揭开解放Pgridlockvi.交通阻塞n.僵局极端严重的全面交通壅塞









用作名词He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a newlock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
Water went rushing through thelockgates.水流经水闸时十分湍急。
He keeps alockof her hair.他保存着她的一绺头发。用作动词The ship waslockedin the ice through the winter.整个冬天船只被冻在冰层里。
Be sure tolockyour bicycle.自行车务必上锁。
You shouldlockthe jewels in a safe.你应当把珠宝首饰锁起妥藏在保险箱内。
Shelockedher child in her arms.她把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。
The shiplockedinto the canal.船过闸驶入运河。noun.device that fastens and bars free passage
同义词 bolt,grip,latchbar,bond,catch,clamp,clasp,clinch,connection,fastening,fixture,grapple,hasp,hook,junction,link,padlock
反义词 keyverb.fasten, clasp
同义词 close,engage,join,press,seal,shutbar,bolt,button,clench,clutch,embrace,encircle,enclose,entwine,grapple,grasp,hug,latch,link,mesh,secure,unitebutton up,turn the key
反义词 disjoin,open,release,unseal,divide,let go,loose,loosen,separate,unfasten,unlock,unlooseunclasp
assureverb make certain
cinch,clinch,complete,confirm,ensure,guarantee,have a lock on,ice,insure,lock on,lock up,make sure,nail down,put on ice,seal,secure,set
barverb secure, usually with a length of material
boltnoun lock;part of lock
bar,brad,catch,coupling,dowel,fastener,latch,lock,padlock,pipe,rivet,rod,skewer,sliding bar,spike,stake,stud
boltverb fasten securely
certaintynoun positive assurance
all sewn up,authoritativeness,belief,certitude,cinch,confidence,conviction,credence,definiteness,dogmatism,faith,firmness,indubitableness,inevitability,lock,open and shut case,positiveness,positivism,rain or shine,setup,shoo-in,staunchness,steadiness,stock,sure bet,sure thing,sureness,surety,trust,validity,wrap-up
clampnoun fastener
bracket,catch,clasp,grip,hold,lock,nipper,press,snap,vice As with the other application, you can see information about the authentication ID, the application name, and the lock mode.
使用另一个应用程序,还可以查看身份验证 ID、应用程序名称和锁模式等信息。 ibm

As you are leaving last, lock up.

The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key.
就是他的这个秘密像一扇既没有锁也没有钥匙的门引起了她的好奇心。 kekenet

The enhanced commands do not require an exclusive lock like previous methods.
增强的命令不需要像以前的方法一样使用互斥型锁。 ibm

There is nothing special about the phone but now our IT administrator will activate the lock feature.
手机本身没什么特别的,但是现在我们的网络管理员将激活锁定功能。 kekenet

What is my lock request waiting for?
我的锁请求在等待什么? ibm

When he embraces Isabella one day at the Grange, there is an argument with Edgar which causes Catherine to lock herself in her room and fall ill.
一天他在画眉山庄拥抱了伊莎贝拉,这时他跟埃德加发生了争吵,这场争吵导致凯瑟琳把自己锁在房间里,病倒了。 yeeyan

“ If you have your contacts and calendars on, you might want to lock your screen”.
如果这玩意里记录了你的联络人和行事历,你应该会想锁住它的。 engadget

All users can work on the file simultaneously, without the need to lock it.
所有用户都能同时在文件内进行工作,而不需要进行文件锁定。 yeeyan

Either way, the lock wait was a surprise, and the user did not know how to figure out what was going on.
不管是什么原因,这个锁等待是一个意外,用户不知道如何发现到底发生了什么事情。 ibm

Food companies use them to lock in prices of commodities like wheat or beef.
食品公司用他们锁定例如小麦或牛肉这些商品的价格。 yeeyan

If you need many locks for threads inside a process, consider using a language and language constructs that automatically do a lot of lock maintenance.
如果您需要在一个进程内部对线程使用很多锁,那么可以考虑使用自动完成锁的维护的语言或者语言结构。 ibm

Inside a process, threads may need to lock as well.
在一个进程内部,线程可能也同样需要锁; ibm

It then holds a lock to protect the interface registry before accessing it.
然后,获得一个锁,以便在访问接口注册表之前保护它。 ibm

May cupid arrest you and lock your finger with an engagement ring.
愿丘比特逮捕你,并用一枚订婚戒指锁住你的手指。 hjenglish

Set it high enough so that valid lock requests do not time-out because of peak workloads, during which time there is an increased wait for locks.
将它设置得足够高,这样有效的锁请求就不会因为高峰时的工作负载而超时,在高峰时等待获取锁的时间将延长。 ibm

So lock coarsening can also enable other optimizations that have nothing to do with locking.
这样,锁粗化还可以让其他对锁定无所作为的优化措施发挥作用。 ibm

The lock won't catch.

There is one lock list per database, and it contains the locks held by all applications concurrently connected to the database.
每个数据库都有一个锁列表,锁列表包含了并发连接到该数据库的所有应用程序所持有的锁。 ibm

They pew their churches and sometimes lock them.

This function gets a pointer to the mutex it is trying to lock.
这个函数会获得一个指向它正在尝试锁定的互斥的指针。 ibm

This means that you can lock these values into the pattern or provide the values shortly before deployment.
这意味着您可以将这些值锁定到模式中或在部署之后立即提供这些值。 ibm

This not only prevents lock-in and engenders trust, but also forces your team to innovate and compete on technical merit.
这不仅能防止锁定并获得信任,还可以迫使你的团队为获取技术优势而不断创新和竞争。 yeeyan

Why does DB2 lock this table, row, or object?
为什么 DB2锁住了这个表、行或者对象? ibm

With this type of lock, concurrent applications can read from or write to the locked table.
有了这一类型的锁,并发应用程序就可以读或写已锁定的表。 ibm

Lock up all the doors before you go out.




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