

单词 apparatchiks
释义 apparatchiks ˌæpəˈrɑ:tʃiks COCA⁷¹²²⁸BNC⁴⁴⁸⁴⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.俄共产党党组织成员或官员;贬对上级或组织盲目服从的统治机器工作人员;官僚apparatchik的名词复数原型apparatchik的复数 It often refers to a bunch of party-approved village apparatchiks arrogating ownership rights for themselves.
集体所有权经常被一伙党任命的村级官僚所“代表”,并据为己有。 hjenglish

It often refers to a bunch of party- approved village apparatchiks arrogating ownership rights for themselves.
“集体”常常指的是中央批准的乡镇政府,他们拥有土地所有权。 ecocn

It was later removed from Caixin’s website and also disappeared from several others that had reposted it. Propaganda apparatchiks clearly wanted it eradicated.
此文不久就从【财新杂志】上消失了,同时其他转载该文的网站也删除了该文章,这些政府宣传人士很明显是想要它完全消失。 yeeyan

As a pillar of the old guard, Jang must realize that any Chinese-style economic reform would mean the end for the top party apparatchiks, and for himself.
作为守旧势力的中坚,张必须意识到任何中国似的经济改革对党的高层官员来说都将意味着结束,当然包含他自己。 yeeyan

During Socialist rule, when party apparatchiks enriched themselves, often at public expense, the eastern half of the country fell behind.
在社会党人执政期间,政府机构工作人员经常公款花费,使他们自己富裕起来,而该国东半部处于落后。 ecocn

Earlier hopes that a cohort of reform-minded apparatchiks might replace an older, more staid generation have now been disappointed.
先前人民希望,政府中的一群具有改革思想的谦卑之士可能取代稳重保守的老一代领导,如今这些希望也破灭了。 ecocn

Elvis Presley and senior Soviet apparatchiks loved them.
艾维斯普雷斯利和前苏联高级官员都喜欢这些车。 ourtra

Life was reasonably comfortable for the well-educated, but social mobility was blocked by party apparatchiks. The gap between expectations and reality was unbridgeable.
对于受过良好教育的人来说生活是安逸的,但是社会的流动性却被党政官员堵死,期待和现实之间的鸿沟不可逾越。 ecocn

New Labour apparatchiks were much more likely to wax lyrical about Tom Peters* and Michael Porter* than Keir Hardie* and Nye Bevan*.
可见,新工党的官僚们更倾向于激动地向人们讲述汤姆·彼得斯和迈克尔·波特,而非科尔·哈蒂和奈·贝文。 ecocn

The excesses of Castro's apparatchiks during the cold war pale in comparison to the invidious exploits of the Boligarchs.
与这些精英们招人怨恨的业绩相比,卡斯特罗在冷战期间过分的改造不禁黯然失色。 yeeyan




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