释义 |
Lobont 基本例句 洛邦特¹⁰⁰ The Serbian custodian will provide cover for Sebastien Frey and BogdanLobontat the Viola next season.这名塞尔维亚门将新赛季将作为塞巴斯蒂安.;弗雷和洛邦特的替补。 Ajax coach Ronald Koeman can also count on goalkeepers BogdanLobontand Maarten Stekelenburg in the first team.同时,上赛季的第三门将从特温特自由转会而来的博士克在合同还有一年的情况下得到俱乐部的允许提前自由转会。 In these last hours, Lotito and his collaborators have been following two alternatives: BogdanLobontand Marco Amelia .在看过穆萨雷拉意大利杯的表现后,拉齐奥决定开始运作冬季门将的转会事宜。 Lobont: “We Shall Give Everything” “We play two games at our best to go to the Champions League, this is our objective.我们的目标就是踢好剩下的两场比赛从而获得冠军联赛的入场券. BogdanLobont博格丹·罗邦特,罗马尼亚足球运动员,司职门将 |