

单词 loan officer
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A loan officer Lohman ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, who turns her life into a living hell.
一位法院执行人接到任务,要收回一个老妇人的房子,他发现这个老妇人深陷于一个超自然的诅咒中,她就像活在地狱中一样。 kaixinzhen

A supervisor may ask, “ Which loan officer processes the most applications?”
上级领导可能会问:“哪个信贷员处理了大部分申请?” ibm

A businessman walked into a New York City bank and asked for the loan officer.
一个商人走进纽约一家银行询问信贷员。 eol

A businessman walked into a bank in San Francisco and asked for the loan officer.
一个生意人走进旧金山的一家银行要找信贷员。 blog.sina.com.cn

Angie Sammann, a former loan officer at a bank, is another of the tent- dwellers at Pinellas Hope.
Angie Sammann,从前是银行的信贷员,也是“皮内拉斯希望”里的另一位帐篷居住者。 ecocn

Everything checked out and the loan officer accepted the car as collateral for the loan.
一切手续办妥后银行信贷员接受了汽车做为贷款的抵押。 hxen

Or more specifically, “ Which loan officer processed the most applications this year? this month? today?”
或者更具体些,“哪个信贷员处理了本年度、本月或今天的大部分申请?” ibm

That’s what Robert Klemm,27, a loan officer in Bethpage, N.Y., did last summer after he learned about Steve Madden Ltd.’s “ Design Your Own Collection.”
这也是罗伯特•克莱姆去年夏天在听说史蒂夫马登公司“自我设计系列”后所做的。他27岁,是一名来自纽约州贝斯佩奇的信贷员。 edu.sina.com.cn




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