

单词 loaned
释义 loan·ed 英ləʊn美loʊn 高COCA³⁵²¹⁷BNC²⁵⁷⁰⁸iWeb⁴⁵⁵⁴⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vt. 借出

give sb the use of sth; lend especially sth valuable for a long period


thing that is lent, especially a sum of money


lending or being lent

the temporary provision of money usually at interesta word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz' is a German word borrowed into modern English
give temporarily; let have for a limited time;

I will lend you my car

loan me some money

loan, lease, lend


lend 是最普通的用语, loan 指“贷与”“借与”,是财会上的正式用语,一般不用于私人关系的借贷,但在美式英语中, loan 和lend两个词通用;lease一般指出租房屋、土地等不动产。






用作动词 v.
~+名词loan a ladder借出梯子loan the money借出钱~+副词loan conditionally有条件地借贷loan conveniently方便地借出loan gracefully得体地借出loan gratuitously无偿地借贷loan grudgingly勉强地借出loan innocently没有恶意地借贷loan unscrupulously无道德原则地借贷loan willingly乐意借出loan out借出~+介词loan from从…借出loan on以…抵押借…loan to借…给…用作名词 n.动词+~call in the loans要求归还贷款grant〔recall, receive, request〕 a loan同意〔收回,得到,请求〕贷款issue government loans发行公债make loans办理贷款negotiate〔raise〕 a loan洽谈〔筹借〕一笔贷款pay off〔repay〕 a loan偿清贷款process a loan办理贷款手续secure a loan为贷款担保take out a loan借款underwrite a loan承保贷款的风险形容词+~domestic〔foreign, public〕 loan内〔外,公〕债long-term〔medium-term, short-term〕 loan长期〔中期,短期〕贷款repayable loan可收回的贷款interest-free〔low-interest〕 loan无息〔低息〕贷款overdue loan逾期未还的贷款名词+~bank〔mortgage, term〕 loan银行〔抵押,定期〕贷款government loan公债~+名词loan counter借书柜台介词+~on loan from从…暂借interest on a loan贷款利息on loan to暂借给…on loan to the national gallery暂借给国立美术馆help sb with a loan给某人一笔贷款~+介词loan from another language外来语loan of forty million dollars四千万美元贷款loan to给…的贷款loans upon farm commodities农产品贷款loan with no interest无息贷款
loan on v.+prep.

以…为抵押而借出或贷给 lend (especially sth valuable for a long period use sth)

loan sth on sthI would rather loan a million dollars on character than on any other collateral in the world.我若借出100万元,宁愿让别人用人格,而不是别的抵押品作担保。
How much will you loan on this watch?以这只手表作抵押,你肯借多少钱?用作名词n.on loan

暂借being borrowed, as a book is from a library

近义词 give给lend借给borrow借allow允许credit信用advance前进finance金融mortgage按揭loanword外来语
S+~+ n./pron.I have loaned his bicycle.我把他的自行车给借出去了。
Can I loan a ladder from you for a day or so?我可以借你的梯子用一两天吗?
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Can you loan me your tennis racket?你能把网球拍借给我用一下吗?
She loaned me the money.她把钱借给了我。
I'll loan you fifty dollars.我借给你50美元。
Can you loan me a pen?你能借支笔给我吗?S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.She loaned the money to me.她把钱借给了我。
The public library loans books to people.公共图书馆借书给人们。
He never loaned his car to anybody.他从不把汽车借给任何人。
We are grateful to all the parents who have loaned some of their precious possessions to the school for use in the play.我们对所有那些把自己的贵重物品借给学校来演戏的学生家长表示感激。
She loaned her collection of paintings to the gallery.她把自己收藏的画借给美术馆。
Money which has been loaned to city councils by the central government can be repaid at a low rate of interest.那些由中央政府借给市政委员会的贷款,可以低息偿还。用作名词n.The loan is interest free.这贷款是无息的。
We borrow a £10,000 loan to expand the business.为了扩大企业,我们借了一万英镑的款。
May I have the loan of this book?我可以借这本书吗?


loan on意为“以…作抵押而借出〔贷给〕”。


用作名词The bank will accommodate him with aloan.银行将向他提供一笔贷款。
I propose to repay theloanat 20 pounds a month.我打算每月偿还贷款20英镑。
She offered me theloanof her car.她提出把汽车借给我用。
I have the book out onloanfrom the library.我从图书馆里借出那本书。
The book I need is always onloanin the library, so I decide to buy one.图书馆里我需要的那本书,总是借出状态,所以我决定买一本。用作动词Can Iloana ladder from you for a day or so?我可以借你的梯子用一两天吗?
When weloanyou cash, you blame us for your national debts.当我们借给你们钱时,你们又为债务而责怪我们。
The bank was unwilling toloanhim that quantity of money.那家银行不肯贷那么多款给他。adj.lent
同义词 advanced,bestowed,entrusted,given,granted,intrusted,leased,leton credit In a related wrinkle, a hugely disproportionate amount of money at least, by Western standards is loaned out on a long-term basis, only to be paid back a month later.
一个相关的说法是庞大的不成比例的资金至少是西方的标准基于长期的打算被贷出,而仅仅一个月后被归还。 yeeyan

An additional180 have been bred in captivity, many of them at Wolong, and scores have been loaned or given to zoos abroad, with the revenues helping fund conservation programs.
另有180只人工饲养的大熊猫,其中很多饲养于卧龙保护区,还有数十只租借或赠送给了海外的动物园,用其收入帮助支持相关的保护计划。 yeeyan

These weaknesses will be remedied when the show moves on in the new year, to London and then to America, both of whose museums have loaned many of the paintings.
这些不足很有可能在来年的伦敦及之后的美国展会上得到改善。 困为这次展览上的许多画作都是由这两个地方的博物馆提供租借的馆藏。 ecocn




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