

单词 apostates
释义 apostates əˈpɔsˌteɪts COCA⁸⁵⁰⁹⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
n.放弃原来信仰的人apostate的名词复数;叛教者;脱党者;反叛者原型apostate的复数 The Amish, for example, cut themselves off from apostates, including their own children;
比如说,阿米什人不和叛教者来往,包括他们的孩子; yeeyan

The Amish, for example, cut themselves off from apostates, including their own children; some Orthodox Jewish communities do the same.
比如说,阿米什人不和叛教者来往,包括他们的孩子;一些东正教犹太人群体也这么做。 yeeyan

His cyber- troops do not fly planes into buildings, throw acid at schoolgirls or murder apostates.
他的数码部队不会驾驶飞机撞入大楼,不会向学校女生身上泼硫酸或者谋杀变节者。 ecocn

In February an Islamist mob lynched some members of the small Ahmadiyah sect, regarded by some orthodox Muslims as apostates, killing four.
在2月份,一伙伊斯兰暴徒用私刑处死了一个名叫艾哈迈迪亚的宗教小分支的4名被一些正统的穆斯林视为背叛者的成员。 ecocn

Like al- Qaeda, in other words, they tend to regard those Muslims whose practice of the faith falls short of their own exacting standards as takfir— unbelievers or even apostates.
换句话说,如同基地组织,他们往往认为那些信仰上的行为达不到他们自己苛刻标准的穆斯林就是不信教者,甚至是叛教者。 ecocn

Like most Sunni extremists, some in al-Qaeda regard Shia Muslims as virtual apostates.
像大部分逊尼派极端分子一样,一些基地组织成员视什叶派穆斯林为宗教叛徒。 hjenglish




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