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词汇 apostate
释义 a·pos·tate 英əˈpɒsˌteɪt, -tɪt美əˈpɑsˌtet, -tɪtAHDə-pŏsʹtāt', -tĭt ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁵⁹⁵⁷²BNC⁷⁰⁷⁷⁶iWeb²⁷⁴⁴⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
not faithful to religion or party or cause英语单词apostate原是一个基督教中的专用名词,用来表示曾经接受洗礼,加入基督教会,但后来背弃信仰的叛教者。它来自希腊语apostenai,由apoaway from+stenaistand构成,字面意思就是“站到一边,远离”。历史上最有名的一个apostate是古罗马皇帝尤利安Julia。他是君士坦丁王朝的罗马皇帝,361年-363年在位。
公元313年,罗马帝国的两位统治者君士坦丁和李锡尼在米兰联名签署了著名的《米兰 敕令》,宣布基督教成为罗马国教。从此以后基督教会获得了官方名义上的承认,迅速发展,君士坦丁大帝更是受洗礼成为有史以来第一位基督教皇帝。然而等到君 士坦丁大帝的侄儿尤利安上台时,基督教的迅猛发展受到重挫。
尤利安出生就受洗,在严格基督教教育下长大,但后来却转向希腊罗马的传统多神信仰。 他师承于新柏拉图主义,崇信神秘仪典,支持宗教信仰自由,反对将基督教信仰视为国教。他上台后就实行反大公教会政策,大力扶助多神教以及犹太教和基督教异 端,大肆攻击正统派基督教,教堂被焚毁和抢劫,基督徒被赶出军队和学校,朱利安本人还写书攻击基督教,意欲改变自君士坦丁大帝以来基督教在罗马帝国的独尊 地位。这便是四世纪异教在罗马的复兴运动。因此尤利安被基督教会称为“背教者尤利安”Julian the Apostate。
GRE红宝书apo远离, state状态-处于远离状态的人-背教者
apo远 + state 国家, 政府, 州,远离国家→变节
apo离开+sta站立+te者→站开的人→变节者,脱党者,背教者⇒转作形容词变节的,脱党的,背教的。GRE难词记忆apostate → a=to 向+post=behind 后面+state n.状态→向后的状态→背叛者词根记忆apo+state近义词 pervert误用renegade叛徒doubter怀疑者ratter 捕鼠者deserter背弃者defector背叛者turncoat背叛者recreant胆小的

用作名词He is anapostatefrom Christianity.他是一个基督教的背信者。
The most furious anarchist become the most barefacedapostate.最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。
The Jerusalem Post denounced him as anapostate.耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。noun.traitor
同义词 backslider,defector,deserter,dissenter,heretic,nonconformist,rat,recreant,renegade,turncoat
反义词 adherent,faithful,loyalist
defectornoun traitor
deserternoun fugitive from responsibility
AWOL,absconder,apostate,backslider,betrayer,criminal,defector,delinquent,derelict,escapee,escaper,hookey player,lawbreaker,maroon,no-show,recreant,refugee,renegade,runaway,shirker,slacker,traitor,truant
disloyaladjective unfaithful
double-crossernoun betrayer
falseadjective dishonest, hypocritical
hereticnoun person who goes against established beliefs
apostate,cynic,dissenter,freethinker,nonconformist,schismatic,sectarian,skeptic Fernando Torres angered his followers by becoming an apostate and daring to say that he was moving somewhere else that might be bigger.

the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate.
《耶路撒冷快递报》指责他是个叛徒。 ecocn

After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry.
经过长期剧烈的争战之后,少数忠实的信徒认为如果这叛道的教会不肯放弃虚伪和拜偶像的罪,他们就决意和她割断一切关系。 yinghanhuyi

Akbar softened towards Islam thereafter, and is thought to have died, in1605, a Muslim, not an apostate.
但此后阿喀巴对伊斯兰教的态度软化了下来,据说他在1605年以一个穆斯林的身份去世了。 yeeyan

Both of these strategies were used extensively during the1260 years by the apostate church.
在1260年的背道时期,这两种策略都被广泛使用过。 chumadventist-ldsc

In recent years Sudan’s best-known Islamist, Hassan al-Turabi, has been decried as an apostate by certain greybeards, simply because he dared to suggest that men and women were equal.
近年来,苏丹著名的伊斯兰教领袖哈桑•图拉比被一些伊斯兰耆老谣传为异端,这仅仅因为他曾大胆提议男女平等。 ecocn

Maybe so, but as an apostate from liberalism Mr Mamet has simply embraced a new religion— with all the excessive zeal of the recent convert.
也许是这样,但马梅先生作为自由主义的叛变者已经简单地投入了新信仰的怀抱——还带着转变信仰释放的过度热情。 ecocn

Muslims living in the West may as has sometimes happened take the“ law” into their own hands by killing an apostate.
生活在西方国家的穆斯林正如有时已经发生过的则可能通过杀死一名叛教分子来把“法律”掌握在他们自己手中。 ecocn

Osama bin Laden rages that Islam is under sustained attack: any Muslim who “collaborates” with the West is an apostate.
奥萨玛· 本·拉登坚称伊斯兰正在遭受持续的攻击:任何和西方国家合作的穆斯林都是叛教者。 ecocn

Some support him but most call him an apostate or lament that he and his friends do not tackle issues such as poverty.
有一些人支持他,但多数人称他为叛教者,并且对他和他的朋友们不关注关注贫穷问题而感到失望。 ecocn

The Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel called Cardinal Lustiger a betrayer of his people; the Jerusalem Post denounced him as an apostate.
以色列的德系犹太拉比称他是他的人民的叛徒;耶路撒冷邮报也批评他变节。 ecocn

The great apostate had succeeded in exalting himself“ above all that is called God, or that is worshiped.”
这大背道者在高抬自己“超过一切称为神的,和一切受人敬拜的”事上,已经成功了。 fuyinchina

They also hated me because I was an apostate, a white southern Protestant who could appeal to the very people they had always taken for granted.
他们恨我,还因为我是一个“放弃信仰者”、一个南方的白人新教教徒,我可能会影响他们自以为一直忠心于他们的选民。 yeeyan




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