

单词 llama
释义 lla·ma 英ˈlɑːmə美ˈlɑməAHDläʹmə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁶¹⁰⁶BNC⁵¹⁷⁵⁰iWeb²²⁸⁶⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump来自南美土著语。
用作名词Thellamais related to the camel.美洲驼和骆驼是同一物种。
“Is that allama? Correct me if I'm wrong.” “No, it's not.”“那是美洲驼吗?要是我说错了
Betty is trying to spin enoughllamayarn to make a sweater.贝蒂想纺出足够的驼毛线来织毛衣。as in.ungulate
同义词 buffalo,camel,cattle,cow,deer,elephant,giraffe,hippopotamus,hog,horse,pig,rhinoceros,swine,tapir
ungulatenoun hoofed animal
buffalo,camel,cattle,cow,deer,elephant,giraffe,hippopotamus,hog,horse,pig,rhinoceros,swine,tapir A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile’s Atacama Desert.
在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。 kekenet

A llama, the only draft animal on the continent, could carry70 pounds of gear on its back.
美洲驼是整个大洲唯一可以背负70磅东西的载货动物。 yeeyan

Felipe llama un taxi para su amigo.
费利普给他的朋友叫出租车。 for68

A graveyard of llama and donkey bones!
一个骆马和驴子骨头的墓地! wetravelworld

A llama figurine from a sacrificial burial escaped being melted down by the Spanish.
一尊来自祭祀葬礼的美洲鸵雕像,它侥幸逃脱了被西班牙人熔化的命运。 www.internet.org.cn

A llama with a shaggy hair do!
和一根毛发蓬松的头发一只骆马做! wetravelworld

As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.
当她跳回天空时,有些骆驼毛掉下来了。 wto8

But Australian sheep farmers are finding the llama- like creatures to be the perfect weapon against foxes.
但澳大利亚的牧羊人却发现这种形似骆驼的动物是对付狐狸的绝佳武器。 zftrans

Condors wheeled overhead. Packs of wild llama were dotted around, heads popping up like periscopes at the sound of my approaching bike.
秃鹰在头顶上盘旋,四周有成群的野骆驼,伸出头来像一架架潜望镜侦听着我摩托车越来越近的引擎声。 yeeyan

Each day the boy and his llama walked many miles, looking for a home.
每天,这个男孩和他的骆驼行驶几英里,为了寻找一个家。 wto8

For instance, Hank, this year for Christmas, I'm going to tell you in advance that I got you5 llama butts.
例如,汉克,今年圣诞节,我要提前告诉你,我准备给你5只美洲驼的屁股。 yappr

He bought two young llama.
他买了两只小骆驼。 wto8

He had no family except for an old llama.
他除了有意头老骆驼没有其他的家人。 wto8

He never forgot the star llama.
他永远都忘不了星星骆驼。 wto8

So too has the Rare Animal Range, replete with deer and guanaco, a South American relative of the llama.
遭到同样命运的还有珍稀动物馆,那里生活着鹿以及美洲驼“亲戚”--来自南美的原驼。 yeeyan

Swiss media branded Frei a llama as the South American animal is known for spitting.
瑞士媒体赠与弗雷美洲驼的称呼,因为这种动物以常吐口水著称。 soccer-media

The llama has a lame leg.
那只美洲驼有一只腿瘸。 iciba

The llama was domesticated long ago as a beast of burden.
很早以前,美洲骆驼就被驯服为役兽。 blog.sina.com.cn

This hybrid animal, the product of breeding a llama and a camel, has been the only creature of this kind since her birth in 1995.
这个混血动物——一只有峰驼和一只无峰驼的杂交后代——自从1995年诞生之后一直是此类物种的唯一一位成员。 yeeyan




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