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Lixun 基本例句 李珣 LixunOy also owns ADS tourist service right can be provided for groups and individual tourist services.同时公司还拥有芬兰国家旅游局颁发的欧盟ADS旅游签证接待许可,可以为团体和散客提供旅游接待服务。 CAILixun,FAN Xuanhua,LI Cong,et al.Effects of the elevated temperature on the low cycle behaviors of zircaloy-4;.Journal of Aeronautical Materials,2004,24:1-6.;蔡力勋;范宣华;李聪;等;高温对Zr-4合金低循环行为的影响;.;航空材料学报;2004;24:1-6 The Inspiration from MoLixunLibrary for the Work of Local Docu ment of Public Library莫里循文库给公共图书馆地方文献工作的启示 Author Li Jinfu;Zhang Yikui;YangLixun;Yan Shuli;Jiang Tulin;Zhao Changhan;Yin Fujiang;Wang Yuqing;作者李津福;章亦葵;杨立勋;闫淑丽;姜土林;赵长汉;殷富江;王玉清; Author LI Gang;LIU Zhenni;QUAN Dongming;GUO Guangquan;LIN Haicheng;LILixunGuangdong Mental Health Institute;Guangzhou;510180;作者李刚;刘珍妮;全东明;郭光全;林海程;黎立勋; CaiLixun, Sun Yafang, LCF Properties of 316N Steel, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Testing of Materials and Structures, HongKong, 1998杨显杰,蔡力勋,向阳开,316L不锈钢的高温单轴应变循环与棘轮行为试验研究,西南交 |