

单词 living off
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A75-year-old widow living off of her retirement portfolio is far more interested in preserving the value of investments than a30-year-old business executive would be.
一个75岁靠她的退休职位生活的寡妇比一个30岁的商业经理人会对保本更感兴趣。 yeeyan

He's still living off his parents.

Investmentor merchant banks had traditionally been slim businesses, living off the wits of their employees and their ability to earn fees from advice.
传统上,投资批发商银行的业务范围很窄,需要通过他们雇员的才智及其能力提供参考意见,赚取手续费。 ecocn

Sex workers are not allowed to hire bodyguards, because the guards would be considered to be living off the earnings of prostitution, and that is also an offence.
性工作者们还被禁止雇佣保镖,因为保镖会被认为是以妓女的收入为生,这是一种犯罪。 yeeyan

Since moving to Arkansas from Iowa in February, Johnson said, he was living off money made by selling diamonds.
约翰逊说,自从而二月从爱荷华州搬到阿肯色以来,自己一直以卖钻石为生。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Still, with80% of its people living off the land, Ethiopia is producing far too little to cope with a possible doubling of its population by2050.
但鉴于80%的埃塞俄比亚人靠土地吃饭,到2050年预计人口将翻一番,粮食产量远无法满足需求。 ecocn

The family used to be farmers, but living off a small plot of land proved too hard.
这一家人曾经都是农民,然而靠着一点薄地为生实在是太艰难了。 yeeyan

Those in the building or tourism trades, as well as retirees living off their investments— a huge share of the population— quickly felt the pinch.
那些从事房产业或旅游行业的人,以及一些依靠投资为生的退休人士——占人口总数的很大一部分,很快就叫苦连天了。 ecocn

Would we feel proud of living off of a business model that targets the poor?
我们还能对这种以“穷人”为目标的商业模式引以为豪吗? yeeyan




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