

单词 living area
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The more traditional family roles are, the less likely the kitchen is to be used as a living area.
传统家庭的角色越重,厨房用作生活区的可能性越低。 ecocn

The sliding glass walls allow daylight to enter into the deep plan while defining a large open living area, transparent towards the fenced garden.
滑动玻璃幕墙让阳光进入深层的计划,同时确定一个大型开放式居住区,朝着花园围栏透明。 dndci.com

The living area was sealed with glass and aluminium, yet integrating it with the swimming pool.
生活区是密封的玻璃和铝,但结合它的游泳池。 dndci.com

Bedrooms are located on the upper floor, and towards south they hover above the living area as autonomous private units.
卧室位于上层楼,向南为他们自主的私人上述单位居住区徘徊。 dndci.com

Central Living Area is a coastal garden area, who gets its planning inspiration from the experience of famous port cities worldwide.
中央居住区是一个海岸花园区,这个设计规划灵感来源于全球著名港口城市的经验。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you're renting, choose a house with an ample kitchen, outdoor space for the kids and a pleasant living area for after- dinner conversations.
如果采用租用方式,那选择一个房子带有足够大的厨房,给孩子宽阔的户外空地,以及一间舒适居室可供餐后聊天。 yeeyan

It will have a full kitchen and bathroom, a loft big enough to sleep in, and a roomy living area with a vaulted ceiling.
房子里将包括完整的厨房,浴室和足够宽敞的顶楼可供睡觉。活动空间宽敞,房子顶端成拱形。 ecocn




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