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词汇 Liuli
释义 Liuli
n.柳利在坦桑尼亚;东经 34º40' 南纬 11º05'
Liuli, the professor in Education Department from Zhejiang University, arrived the school to make a speech to the teachers.浙江大学教育系刘力教授莅临给教师做报告。
The third time, KingLiuliregardless of all consequences extinguished Jiapiluowei State and slaughtered a lot of people of the Sakya Nationality.琉璃王第三次进军则不顾一切,灭掉了迦毗罗卫国,屠杀了许多释迦族的人。
The glaze resource, the technics characteristic and application effects of natural yellow-greenishLiuliglaze resource in Yudu of Jiangxi province were studied in the paper.本文从资源概况、琉璃釉工艺特征和应用效果等方面对江西于都发现的天然黄绿色琉璃釉资源进行了初步评价。
His motherland is Jiapiluowei State.The Buddha didn’t forget his nationality and motherland.He undauntedly presented to the road on which KingLiulimarched.释迦佛陀的祖国就是迦毗罗卫,佛陀没有忘记自己的民族和祖国,以大无畏的精神,出现在琉璃王进军的大路上。
July 1920 with the launch of the joint chiefs Feng Ji Zhi Wan war, in Beijing-line Zhuozhou, Gaobeidian, such asLiuliHe defeated the Wanxi army, together with Feng Ji control the Beijing government.1920年7月同奉系首领联合发动了直皖战争,在京汉线的涿州、高碑店、琉璃河等地打败了皖系军队,与奉系一起控制北京政府。




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