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词汇 Liubei
释义 Liubei
It is believed that there is large potential capacity of increasing oil reserves and production atLiubeiarea according to fine geological argumentation.通过精细的地质论证,认为冀中留北地区具有精细勘探和增储上产的潜力,有必要进行二次三维采集。
The article attempts to scoop out the other side ofLiubei' s characteristics from“ Yielding Three Cities” in the novel, in order that we shall grasp the whole image of the character as we could.本文主要从小说里出现的三次让城事件中,试对刘备性格的另一面进行挖掘,以便尽可能准确地把握人物的总体形象特征。
Liu Biao's wife Cai and her Brother had long wished to killLiubei. Once Liubiao requestedLiubeitto meet some officials in Xiangyang for him. Cai and her Brother decided it was an good opportunity.刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好机会。
Liubeisaid, “Yeah, I am an eaglet flying from the field of Zhuozhou, Heibei province, and now facing a rebirth after four years study in this Changjiang River, which can be regarded as an eggshell.刘备说:“是啊,我这只从河北涿州田野上飞来的雏鹰,在长江大学这个蛋壳里经过四年的学习,现在面临着又一次的新生呢!”
Studies on the Statue Monuments inLiubeiTemple刘碑寺造像碑研究




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