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词汇 Little Bear
释义 Little Bear
小熊座 Latin

a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star近义词 Ursa Minor小熊座
As she was about to approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the crime, and snatching away both of them, placed them in the heavens as the Great andLittle Bear.但当她刚朝他迈步时,他马上警觉起来,举起猎矛,就要投射。这时朱庇特发现了并及时制止了这种忤逆行为,把母子二人从地上带走,放置在天上,成为大熊星和小熊星。 Full Thunder Bear Story: Little Bear is a bear who enjoys spending time in the forest with his animal friends.
小熊是谁喜欢花熊在林和他的动物朋友的时间。 goapk

“ For always?” asked Little Bear.
“我可以吗?”小熊问。 dreamkidland

“ This is my home! ” the little bear stamped his feet with anger.

Little Swan and Little Bear clambered lightly up and never failed to find the best bushes, and then they would stand gracefully poised on their pretty legs, delicately nibbling at the leaves.
“小天鹅”和“小熊”轻盈的向上爬着,从来不会错过最好的灌木,然后它们静静的站在那里,动作优美的啃起叶子来。 yeeyan

Blueberry Bear welcomed Little Bear with open arms, and all that first day Little Bear had a merry time.
蓝莓张开双臂欢迎了他,整整一天,小熊都沉浸在无比愉悦的情绪里。 dreamkidland

Come, Little Bear, this is your Cousin Blueberry!
快来,小熊,见见你的堂兄蓝莓! dreamkidland

Each box also had a picture of a little bear. Parents could get baby items by saving the required number of bears.
同时,每个包装袋上还印有一幅小熊的照片,父母们集齐规定数量的小熊照片,即可获得各式儿童用品。 jukuu

It was late in the afternoon when Little Bear found them crying beside the brook.
那是一个下午,接近黄昏的时候,小熊发现他们在小河边哇哇地哭。 dreamkidland

On the school bus, a little bear sits next to Sister. He looks very worried.
在校车上,一只小熊坐在熊妹妹的边上,他看起来看担心。 hjenglish

Seems these cute little bear cubs have a better destiny, they were sent to Moscow to be taught circus tricks and build their professional career in the Moscow circus.
这些熊宝宝貌似运气不错。它们被送到莫斯科,在哪里它们接受杂技训练,然后开始它们的杂技生涯。 yeeyan

Solve interesting quests to help Little Bear to bake a cake this birthday.
解决有趣的探索帮助小熊座在他的生日上烤一个蛋糕。 down196

The old brown bear rose clumsily and began to fill the pockets of Little Bear's trousers with honey- dried blackberries.
说完这只年老的棕熊略带蹒跚地站起身,开始往小熊的裤袋里塞那些蓝莓果脯。 dreamkidland

The little bear had to turn to his friends for help.

The little bear invited us today. I am going to his house!
今天小熊请客,我到他家玩去! iciba

Then he meets a little bear.

This funny little bear is getting ready for another fish!
这头小熊正准备再抓条鱼。 yeeyan

Little Bear is a very curious bear.
小熊是一个非常奇怪的熊。 goapk

Little Bear looked thoughtful; then he began to skip and sing as usual.
小熊看上去若有所思,但很快他又像往常一样活蹦乱跳唱起歌来。 dreamkidland

Little Bear stopped to pick them up for him.
小熊停下来帮助松鼠把坚果检起来。 dreamkidland

Little Bear was so scared that he fell down to the ground.




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