

单词 apologising
释义 apologising əˈpɒlədʒaɪzɪŋ BNC²⁶⁵⁷²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
vi.道歉等于apologize原型apologise的现在分词 And as a former television journalist, he has shown a gift for sound bites and grand gestures, such as apologising for the atrocities committed by the government during the civil war.
作为一个曾经的电视记者,他展现出在表明立场和大姿态的天赋,比如为政府在民主战争中的暴行道歉。 ecocn

He released a further statement on 11 December, apologising for his infidelity and announcing he would be taking an “ indefinite break” from golf.
伍兹在12月11日晚又发表了一项声明,为他的不忠道歉,并宣布他将“无限期”退出高尔夫赛场。 yeeyan

The message, the researchers said, is that when apologising you should consider your audience.
研究者称,在道歉的时候,你应该考虑到你的听众。 yeeyan

BP, too, is struggling to get its old life back, even after apologising, helping with the clean-up, dumping Mr Hayward and taking a huge write-off.
英石油现在也在挣扎着想回到从前,即使它又是道歉,又是帮着清理了漏油,还炒了海沃德先生的鱿鱼,账面价值也大幅缩水,还是于事无补。 ecocn

Early last year, he began his government’s first term by apologising to the“stolen generations”: children, many of mixed race, taken by the authorities from aboriginal families.
去年初,在他第一任期时,他曾向这“失去的一代”道歉:很多孩子是混血儿,他们被政府从土著人的家庭中带走。 ecocn

He's apologising to everybody.
事后他向每个人道了歉。 bioon

Mr. Collins was employed in agreeing to every thing her Ladyship said, thanking her for every fish he won, and apologising if he thought he won too many.
她老人家说一句,柯林斯先生就附和一句,他赢一次要谢她一次,如果赢得太多,还得向她道歉。 ebigear

On the same day, Dr Hauser, who is on leave and refusing to be interviewed, issued a single contrite statement apologising for having made some“ significant mistakes”.
就在同一天,休假中拒绝采访的豪泽博士发表了一个单纯的懊悔声明,为已经犯下的一些“重大错误”道歉。 ecocn

The French players were understandably down and Newcastle defender Boumsong has revealed Zidane attempted to appease them by apologising.
法国队情绪低落,纽卡斯尔的后卫布姆松透露说齐达内试着用道歉安慰队友。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Republicans accuse him of apologising for America and kowtowing to its rivals.
共和党人指责他为美国道歉,向对手磕头。 ecocn

The father recalled bin Laden apologising for the family's delay in Pakistan, saying it was a security matter out of his control.
这位父亲还回忆道,本拉登当时还为让他们在巴基斯坦滞留那么久而道歉,说这是一个安全问题,是他无法控制的。 yeeyan

There is a moral reason why the prime minister and ex- chancellor of the exchequer might consider apologising.
基于道德方面的考虑,首相,也就是前财政部长,也应该道歉。 yeeyan

This month, its legislature passed a resolution, co- sponsored by Mr Fong, apologising for a long history of discrimination.
这个月,在方先生的联合倡议下,加州议会通过了一项决议:为华裔在历史上所遭受的种族歧视像华裔道歉。 yeeyan

Twice after our meetings he has sent me text messages, apologising for sounding grumpy.
我们见过两次面后,他给我发短信,为暴躁的说话方式道歉。 yeeyan

Well, thanks for your apologising. Maybe we can go some other time.
额,谢谢你的道歉。或许我们可以找其它时间去。 hxen

Yesterday the country's commerce minister, Bjorgvin Gudni Sigurdsson, resigned, apologising for the collapse.
昨天国家商业部长古德尼·西古德松就经济崩溃引咎辞职。 yeeyan




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