

单词 literariness
释义 lit·er·ar·i·ness 英'lɪtərərɪnɪs美'lɪtərərɪnɪs 高COCA⁹⁶³⁷⁰BNC⁵¹⁷⁴⁹
The essential way to explore literariness is to explore the relationship between literature and culture, literature and social modernization.
对文学性的探讨根本的途径应是探讨文学与文化、文学与社会现代化之间的关系。 cnki

The fairy tale's essential attribute is its literariness, but not its educational.
童话的本质属性是它的文学性而不是它的教育性。 fabiao

The Russian formalists raised the question of literariness to negate the school of historical culture.
当年俄国形式主义提出“文学性”问题,其文化冲动在于对历史文化派的否定; cnki

But the other scholars oppugn the expansion of literariness.
另一些学者对“文学性的扩张”产生了质疑。 fabiao

But it fails to reveal the mechanism of the production of literariness.
但是,这种方法不能完全充分地揭示文学性产生的原因。 cnki

De Man does not believe this. De Man thinks, on the contrary, that there is such a thing as literariness.
德曼不相信这个,反之,他认为,有书面性这种东西存在。 v.163.com

However, the studying of“ literariness” could not replace the exploration of the essence of literature.
但是,对“文学性”的探讨,并不能取代对文学本质的追问。 fabiao

In other words, an enormous variety of aspects of literature, understood as“ literariness,” can become the dominant.
也就是说,文学的很多方面,也就是我们所说的文学性,都可以占支配地位。 v.163.com

Metaphor, in its broad sense, refers to the use of language which is poetically motivated, that is, literariness featured by defamiliarization in formalist terms.
广义的比喻泛指语言具有诗学理据的运用,用形式主义文论的术语来说,就是具有陌生化特点的文学性。 qikan

Modernity and literariness should be a dual fundamental yardstick in the studies of modern Chinese literature.
现代性与文学性,应是中国现代文学研究的两重基本尺度。 cnki

More figures of speech are used in English reports in order to enhance the literariness of sports games, like metaphor, euphemism, personification and exaggeration.
英文报道中多使用修辞来增加体育报道的文学性,如暗喻、委婉语、拟人和夸张。 http://www.readywin.com

This system does not aim to the Literariness of ancient articles, but to the Moral principle to maintain.
这个体系不以古文的文学性为旨归,而是靠古文的“义理”来维系的。 www.361xs.com

Literariness, then. What is literariness?
文学性,什么是文学性? v.163.com

Literariness and defamiliarization are two importance concepts advanced by the critical Russian formalism.
“文学性”与“陌生化”是俄国形式主义批评流派提出的两个重要概念。 cnki




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