

单词 liquidators
释义 liquidators ˈlɪkwɪdeɪtəz COCA¹²⁴²⁹¹BNC²⁸⁶⁸²
n.公司债务清算人liquidator的名词复数原型liquidator的复数 And he says they have “ some indication” of a small number of cases of radiation- induced leukemia among liquidators, although the analysis is not yet complete.
尽管分析还没有完成,但丘马克认为“有些迹象表明”清理者们中间存在少数因为辐射导致白血病的患者。 yeeyan

In two generations, most of the radioactive cesium and strontium will have decayed, and most of the liquidators who put their lives on the line will be gone.
两个世代的时间足以让大部分的放射性铯和放射性锶衰减完毕;而那些曾经徘徊于生死边缘的清理者中,大部分人业已作古。 yeeyan

The Chernobyl liquidators they studied appeared to have radiation exposure equivalent to roughly10 years of aging, or smoking cigarettes regularly.
评估结果显示,切尔诺贝利清理者受到的辐射相当于衰老10年或者长期吸烟。 com

The liquidation is carried out by the board. Other persons may also be appointed as liquidators; the appointment is governed by the provisions for the appointment of the board.
清算由董事会为之。其他人也可以被选任为清算人;对于清算人的选任,关于董事会的选任的规定是决定性的。 loveshare

The liquidators have the legal status of the board, unless the purpose of the liquidation leads to a different conclusion.
清算人具有董事会的法律地位,但基于清算的目的发生其他效果的除外。 loveshare

The liquidators must be entered in the register of associations.
必须将清算人登记于社团登记簿。 loveshare

After accounting for background radiation, including dental x-rays, they’ve concluded that liquidators generally received smaller doses than Chornobyl records indicate.
在扣除了包括牙科 X射线在内的背景辐射以后,他们得出了结论:清理者们所遭受的辐射剂量普遍比相关记录所暗示的剂量要低。 yeeyan

Article88 The liquidators shall by public announcement, after having assumed office, call the creditors to make statements of claims and send notice to known creditors.
第88条清算人就任后,应以公告方法,催告债权人报明债权,对于明知之债权人,并应分别通知。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Many of the liquidators developed radiation- induced cataracts in the first few years after the accident.
许多清理者在事故发生后的最初几年内患上了辐射引起的白内障。 ng.trends.com.cn

Most grocery liquidators are independently owned, and even the chains like Grocery Outlet are independently operated franchises.
大多数杂货清货商都是自主经营,甚至还有像“杂货经销店”这样自主经营的特许经营连锁店。 yeeyan

National Furniture Liquidators.
全国家具清算人。 kornachu221.punchthemonkeyband.com

Other liquidators have since died but their deaths could not necessarily be attributed to radiation exposure.
其他清理者后来死亡,但死因不一定就是因暴露于辐射。 who

Recent investigations suggest a doubling of the incidence of leukaemia among the most highly exposed Chernobyl liquidators.
近期调查表明在接触剂量最高的切尔诺贝利事故清理者中白血病发病率加倍。 who

The notification for registration must state the extent of the power of representation of the liquidators.
申报时,必须说明清算人的代表权。 loveshare

The clothes seemed to have come from garment liquidators in China and South America or some international charity organization.
这里的衣物似乎是从中国、南美或者其他一些国际慈善组织的服装清算人那里搞到的。 yeeyan

Liquidators appointed by the court are entered in the register of the court's own motion.
法院选任的清算人的登记,依职权为之。 loveshare

Liquidators selected to represent the company shall, by mutatis mutandis application of the provision of Article83, paragraph1, file a report to the court.
推定代表公司之清算人,应准用第八十三条第一项之规定向法院声报。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Liquidators are eagerly seeking a number of assets that were recently transferred out of Pioneer.
清算人正急切地寻找近期被转移出嘉鑫钢铁的众多资产。 forbeschina




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