

单词 liping
释义 liping
For many years Wang Liping and her husband have been taking care of more than 150 stray dogs at their shelter home.
王莉萍阿姨夫妇多年以来不辞辛苦的照顾了150多个流浪的狗宝贝。 goumin

It featured Teng's'sound- alikes', Gen Liping and Tong Yao from China and also artists from Singapore and Malaysia.
来自中国的亘丽萍和童瑶歌声与邓丽君极像,来自新加坡和马来西亚的艺人同样。 leehom-cn

Wang Liping, who had never thought of getting a gold medal, appeared in the people's line of sight.
而本来没有想到夺金的王丽萍却突然出现在人们的视线里。 hotdic

Yang Liping in China is famous for her graceful dancing.
杨丽萍以其优美的舞蹈而出名。 blog.sina.com.cn

Zhong Liping,60, hasn't noticed the size changes.
在奶制品区,60岁的钟丽萍并未注意到包装的变化。 myechinese

Attitudes about weight also are believed to be a factor, said Dr. Liping Pan, a CDC epidemiologist.
对体重的态度也被认为是其中的一个因素,DC的流行病学家潘力平博士表示。 yeeyan

Her tutor, Wang Liping, wrote in her blog that Peiyi is both cute and well- behaved, with a love for Peking opera.
她的导师王丽萍在博客中写到,佩宜不仅可爱乖巧,而且还热爱京剧。 blog.sina.com.cn

HuNan province PingCha town, located at west of HuNan province, it is very near to the GuiZhou province LiPing, majority of the people are Dong and Han.
湖南省平茶镇,位于湖南省的西部,非常靠近贵州的黎平,以侗族和汉族为主要民族。 ckcgallery

One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe.
有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把六年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。 yeeyan

Some shirts cost dozens of yuan, but they sell more than RMB1,000 by retailers in malls, said Chen Liping, professor in marketing at the Capital University of Economics and Business.
首都经贸大学营销学教授陈立平说:“一些衬衫成本就是几十块钱,经常是零售价格人民币上千块钱。” www.chinadaily.com.cn

That boy whose mother is a worker is Liping.
母亲是一个工人的那个男孩是李平。 iask.sina.com.cn

Towns such as Rongjiang, Liping, Diping and Zhaoxing are scattered amongst the hills along the border with Guangxi.
如分布在与广西交界处群山环抱中的榕江、黎平、地坪和肇兴等城镇。 chinafanyi

Yang Liping is Bai.
杨丽萍是白族。 yeeyan

Zhanghua and Liping passed the exam. What about the other students?
张华和李平通过了考试,其他的学生怎么样? xuexiku

Liping Godsend Bridge, on the right side of Wanzhai Village,12 miles away northeasterly from Liping County, Guizhou province, is the biggest and longest natural bridge in the world.
黎平天生桥位于贵州省黎平县城东北12公里的湾寨右侧处,是世界上最长最大的天生桥。 topsage

Liping wondered if her sister had reached home.
丽萍想知道是否她的妹妹已经抵达家。 english312

Liping is the largest Dong minority county, the center of Dong culture in China and new tourism hot point in Guizhou province.
黎平是我国最大的侗族县和侗族文化中心,也是贵州省一个新兴的旅游热点地区。 dictall

Liping's mother said that she wasn't angry with her daughter any more.
李平的妈妈说她不在女儿的气了。 pkuschool




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