

单词 lion tamer
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The head lion tamer, a beautiful young woman, was just starting her rehearsal.
首席训狮员是一名漂亮的年轻女子,这时正开始排练。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The manager decided to give him a chance to become an assistant lion tamer and took him to the practice cage.
经理决定给他一次机会成为训狮员助手,于是将他带到训练用的笼子旁边。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The lion tamer was afraid the lions would turn on him.
驯狮员害怕狮子会攻击他。 hotdic

“ I know your father was also a lion tamer, ”the reporter queried.
“我知道你父亲也是一名驯狮员,”记者询问道。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ I understand your father was also a lion tamer, ” the reporter queried.
“我知道你的父亲也是个驯狮手,”记者说。 taofanwen

A novice lion tamer was being interviewed.
一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。 ebigear

A novice lion tamer was interviewed.
一个驯狮新手正在接受采访。 blog.sina.com.cn

Only Once A novice lion tamer was being interviewed.

People laughed and clapped their hands as the horses and the lion tamer performed.
当驯马和驯狮者表演时,人们笑着拍手鼓掌。 ebigear

When the lion tamer goes into the lion cage, he brings a pistol, a whip and a chair.
当驯兽师走进狮笼时,他带着一把手枪,一支皮鞭和一把椅子。 yeeyan




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