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词汇 apocalyptic
释义 apocalyptic əˌpɑːkəˈlɪptɪk 
prophetic of devastation or ultimate doomof or relating to an apocalypseGRE红宝书来自apocalypsen 天启, 启示apo远离, cal = call打电话. 远远的打电话, 比如从纽约, 那一定是到了世界末日了.
来自apocalypse 圣经中的启示录,公元前2世纪至公元2世纪左右的犹太教或基督教的预言作品,宣扬世界末日迫近和正义者得拯救的内容;apo + collapse 崩溃,大灾难
来自apocalypse天启 ,启示: apo离开,远+calyp s盖上+e→揭开→启示
apocalypt=apocalypse,启示录+ic形容词后缀⇒启示录的。来自apocalypsen.天启,启示近义词 fated命中注定的revelatory启示性的apocalyptical天启的

用作形容词He “hates beingapocalyptic” but says his grandchildren will have to choose how to minimise their exposure to the risks.他“不喜欢预言灾难”
Parts of the ocean there look just absolutelyapocalyptic.海洋的很多区域看上去完全像是世界末日。adj.fateful
同义词 ominous,propheticoracular,predictive,revealing
apocalypticaladjective prophetical
direfuladjective fearful;horrible
fatefuladjective significant
hellfireadjective fateful
ill-bodingadjective ominous
indicativeadjective exhibitive
apocalyptic,augural,auspicious,characteristic,connotative,demonstrative,denotative,denotive,designative,diagnostic,emblematic,evidential,evincive,expressive,inauspicious,indicatory,indicial,ominous,pointing to,prognostic,significant,significatory,suggestive,symbolic,symptomatic,testatory,testimonial An even more apocalyptic bomb was created, the H- bomb, in which US military planners invested their most fervent hopes in the theory of deterrence.
之后甚至造出了更能造成世界末日的炸弹,氢弹。美国的军事计划者们想当然地对威慑理论抱有热切期望。 yeeyan

So often a diagnosis anywhere on the autism spectrum is discussed in apocalyptic terms.
通常,一个人得到了孤独症的诊断常常被描述得像世界末日。 yeeyan

The rise of religious- nationalist sentiment in Greece and elsewhere exacerbated an already high level of regional tension and created a danger that apocalyptic talk could become self- fulfilling.
希腊等地区的宗教民族情绪高涨,使原本已经高度紧绷的地区紧张局面更加恶化,形成天启言论可能会自我实现的危险。 yeeyan

The reality of what's really going to happen wasn't so important. To us, even though it sounds strange, the environment and the post- apocalyptic aspect of the movie is peripheral.
真实会发生什么并不是那么重要,虽然这听起来有点奇怪,但在我们看来,电影的环境和后世界末日的背景并不是核心所在。 yeeyan

Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass.
虽然在酒吧关门前停止斗酒没能改变人们的饮酒习惯,但是也没有让如世界末日般的预言得以实现。 ecocn

Backers of the proposition to ban same-sex marriage in the state cast their campaign in apocalyptic terms.
支持这项禁止加州同性结婚提案的人用一种基督教启示录式的辞藻进行他们的游说。 yeeyan

But compared to some of the apocalyptic visions, it's great.
但是,相对于那些末日一般的情景,这已经非常了不起了。 yeeyan

However dramatic this week's images were, to most people on the ground in Belfast, things seem less than apocalyptic.
然而,对于在在贝尔法斯特这片土地的大多数居民来说,本周过激的画面看来似乎与世界末日有一比。 ecocn

It’s a very interesting place resembling one of those post- apocalyptic landscapes of“ Stalker”, especially in cloudy or foggy weather.
这是个十分有趣的地方,尤其是在多云或是多雾的天气,好似电影《追踪者》中的后世界末日场景之一。 yeeyan

Jack is redeemed by an apocalyptic vision that answers the reproachful questions he imagined Mother asking God at the beginning, when her second child died.
一个天启的幻象使杰克得到解脱,这个幻象解答了杰克想象的很多该受责备的问题,他想象母亲在第二个孩子死时向上帝发问。 ecocn

Looks like end- of-the- world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes.
看来,持世界末日观点的理论家可能需要找到另外一个古代历法来证明他们的理论。 yeeyan

Many internet postings and guests on all- night apocalyptic radio have elaborated on these themes.
许多网帖和有关末日的通宵广播节目都对此作了详细阐述。 yeeyan

Perhaps it is the perfect foil to my apocalyptic vision.
也许是我的世界末日远见的完美衬托。 yeeyan

So how did Earth's earliest organic molecules hang on during these apocalyptic times?
那当时地球上的那些有机分子是如何熬过这段世界末日般的岁月的呢? yeeyan

Some researchers think that apocalyptic dread feeds off our collective anxiety about events that lie outside our individual control.
一些研究者认为我们对个人控制范围以外的事件的集体性焦虑给末日预言提供了养料。 yeeyan

The blow to eurozone efforts to save the currency came amid increasingly apocalyptic predictions of a euro collapse.
和这个噩耗一起来袭的还有甚嚣尘上的欧元崩溃的末日预言。 yeeyan

The apocalyptic material there serves a different purpose than it did in Revelation and some other Christian and Jewish text.

Those are significant numbers, but not huge— certainly not enough to justify the apocalyptic rhetoric one often hears about what will happen if the tax cuts are allowed to end on schedule.
这一数字关系重大,但是并没有大到可以用世界末日---人们经常听到的修辞---来形容减税政策按期终止后的情形。 yeeyan

Your characterisation of Confucianism, with its simultaneous apocalyptic and grandiose predictions for China, is barely more than a cartoon.
你对于儒教的描述以及你同时作出的有如天启一般浮夸的中国预言就像一副卡通画。 yeeyan

Apocalyptic is one of those political kinds of forces in early Christianity, although certainly not the only one.

APOCALYPTIC language fuels the technology industry as much as venture capital does.
末日之语跟风险投资都刺激了手机技术产业发展。 ecocn




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