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词汇 Linzhi
释义 Linzhi
Gymnosporangium yamadai Miyabe widely appeared inLinzhiarea of Tibet.Great loss has been caused by G. yamadai Miyabe.摘要苹果锈病在西藏林芝地区普遍发生,对当地苹果产业造成很大为害。
Add search such as the county's “God Cordyceps Lake Festival”,Linzhiregion “Azalea Festival” and so on, are worth promoting.如加查县的“神湖虫草节”、林芝地区的“杜鹃花节”等,都值得推广。
LinZhi: Yeah. I'm full of admiration for anyone who actually volunteered to go down there and help. That takes a whole lot of guts .林芝:是啊。我真的很羡慕那些真正到灾区救助的志愿者。那可真需要很大的勇气啊。
Brahmaputra gave birth to the breadth and continuity of ancient civilization,Linzhiand Motuo are the best representative cities.雅砻河,是雅鲁藏布江的支流之一,位于西藏山南地区南部,面积920万平方米,国家级重点风景名胜区,是西藏古代文明的摇篮,藏民族的发祥地。
Objective To identify the species of Anopheles maculatus complex in malaria endemic area Motuo County,LinzhiPrefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region.目的 鉴定西藏林芝地区墨脱县疟疾流行区多斑按蚊复合体的种型。
LinZhi: So we're busy killing off the planet, but we're also content to kill off ourselves too. Look at all the war and death that humans inflict on each other.林芝:我们每天忙忙碌碌的进行着对地球的“谋杀”行动,但是,我们也在毁灭人类自己。看看人类强加于彼此的战争和死亡吧。




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