

单词 Link
释义 link 1 英lɪŋk美lɪŋkAHDlĭngk ★★★★☆高四六研IT牛4COCA²⁰⁸⁷BNC²⁶⁶⁸iWeb⁶⁹⁷Economist¹⁸⁰⁹

vt. & vi. 连接,联系

join or connect


a single of a chain;sth which connects two other parts

the means of connection between things linked in seriesa fastener that serves to join or connect;

the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction

the state of being connected;

the connection between church and state is inescapable

a connecting shapea unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chaincomputing an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or lista channel for communication between groups;

he provided a liaison with the guerrillas

a two-way radio communication system usually microwave; part of a more extensive telecommunication networkan interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data
make a logical or causal connection;

I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind

colligate these facts

I cannot relate these events at all

connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces;

Can you connect the two loudspeakers?

Tie the ropes together

Link arms

be or become joined or united or linked;

The two streets connect to become a highway

Our paths joined

The travelers linked up again at the airport

link with or as with a yoke;

yoke the oxen together












用作动词 v.
~+名词link arms挽起手臂link his names with hers将他和她的名字联系起来link theory with practice理论联系实际~+副词link closely紧密联系link together连在一起link up连接,联系,联合link up the two areas把两地区连接起来link up with the reservoir与水库连接起来~+介词link in用…挽着link through sth通过…而联系link to each other互相联系link sb to the crime与此案有牵连link with sth与某物相关联用作名词 n.动词+~constitute〔establish, form〕 a link建立联系keep a link保持联系形容词+~close link紧密联系commercial〔cultural, diplomatic〕 link商业〔文化,外交〕联系名词+~cuff link衬衫的活袖扣radio relay link无线电中继电路~+介词links between the two murders两个谋杀案之间的联系links in reasoning推理中的环节
link to v.+prep.

与…连接;联系 join sth to sb/sth

link to sthA piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod.活塞通过连杆与驱动轴相连。link sb/sth to sthA strong chain linked him to the rock.他被大锁链拴在岩石上。
The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.新建的大桥把那个岛与大陆连接起来。
Regular air traffic links the city to the rest of the country.定期班机把这座城市和全国其他地方连接起来了。
The highway links Beijing to Tianjin.这条高速公路连接北京和天津。
A common wall links the house to its neighbour.一堵共有的墙把这所房子同另一所房子连在一起。
Doctors link cigarette smoking to cancer.医生把吸烟同癌症联系起来。
The television camera was linked to a computer.那架电视摄像机连在一台电脑上。
These events are linked to each other.这些事件有着相互联系。
Wages are linked to prices.工资与物价挂钩。
link together v.+adv.

使连接在一起 join things; connect the ideas of

link togetherThe pieces link together.各段互相连接着。
The two countries are friendly neighbouring countries linked together as flesh and blood.两国是血肉相连的友好邻邦。link sb/sth ⇔ togetherLet's link these ropes together.咱们把这些绳子连接起来。
The railway line links the two towns together.铁路线将两镇连在一起。
He linked all the things together.他把所有的事情联系起来。
The factory's name linked him together.工厂的名字与他连在一起。
Their names have been linked together in newspaper report.他们的名字在新闻报道中被连在一起。
These events were all subtly linked together.这些事件都被微妙地联系在一起。
link up v.+adv.

连接;结合 cause to join or combine

link upWhere shall we link up?我们在哪儿碰头?
How do religion and philosophy link up?宗教和哲学如何联系?
These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.这些点滴的情况联系起来就使人看得出谁是贼。link sth ⇔ upThey linked up the two areas by telephone.他们用电话把两个地区连接起来。
Arrangements are being made to link up the two firms, so as to reduce the competition.两家公司正筹备合并以减少竞争。
Engineers can link up distant countries by radio or telephone.工程师们用无线电或电话把相距遥远的国家联系在一起。
link up with v.+adv.+prep.

与…联合;使与…衔接 join or combine; (cause to join or combine)

link up with sb/sthWe linked up with them at the gate of the zoo.我们在动物园门口与他们会合。
They went on to the next town, where they linked up with the other party.他们继续赶路到了下一个城镇,在那里他们碰到了其他的队伍。
There the irrigation canal links up with the reservoir.这条灌渠在那里与水库连接起来。link sth ⇔ up with sthArrangements were well advanced for linking up this newly operated length with the Lancaster by-pass.已经提前作出安排,使新投入使用的这段高速公路与兰开斯特支线衔接。
link with v.+prep.

将…与…相连;连接在一起;与…联合 join (one thing or group of things to another; join one thing to another)

link with sthThe newer company linked with several older ones for self protection.新成立的公司为了自我保护而与几家老公司联合。
I have heard his name linked with that of a well-known public figure.我听到他的名字与一位著名人物联系起来。link sb/sth with sthRailway lines link country with the capital.铁路把各乡镇与首都连接起来。
This old Silk Road linked China with the West in ancient times.这条古老的丝绸之路在古时候把中国和西方连接了起来。
He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.他总是把学习和自己的思想问题联系起来。
We must link theory with practice.我们要理论联系实际。
The Minister's name will always be linked with the disgraceful matter.这位部长的名字将永远同那桩丑闻连在一起。
The film actress has been linked with one man after another in the newspaper reports.在报纸的报道中,这位电影女演员的名字总是同这位男士连在一起。
High unemployment is not necessarily linked with the rise in prices.失业率高与物价上涨不一定有联系。
Rheumatoid arthritis has also been linked with the virus.风湿性关节炎也与这种病毒有关。
His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses.他和群众心连心。非常记忆l + ink 用一根棍子沾墨水把两个东西连接起来非常记忆pink粉色⇒连接双节棍l的是粉色链条联想记忆网络上的“链接”就叫link→连接,联系联想记忆网络上的“链接”就叫link⇒连接,联系近义词 joinn. connect反义词n. separate
S+~+AThe two companies have linked.这两家公司已联合。
S+~+ n./pron.He linked his arm in his wife's arm.他挽着他妻子的臂。
The road links all the new towns.这条路把所有的新市镇连接在一起。
The police suspect that the two crimes may belinked.警方怀疑这两起案件可能有关联。
Our hearts are closelylinked.我们的心紧紧相连。用作名词n.Each link that makes up a chain is equally important.链子上面的每一环都同等重要。
Keep close links with the masses.与群众保持密切联系。
There are a lot of wireless links in a radio.收音机里有许多无线电线路。
He is the link between the two groups.他是这两个小组的联系人。
We think that he is a missing link between the artist and the commercial public.我们认为,他是一位介于艺术家和商业界人士之间的过渡型人物。Pbylink旁链路Psublink子链路Pcufflinkn.袖扣Puplink上行链路Plinking连接链接Pmultilink多链路Pcrosslinking交联Pdownlink下行链路Pcross-linking交链Phyperlink超级链接Plinksn.高尔夫球场Punlinkvt.拆开分开Pdelink解链解除连接Plinkmann.中间人掮客Pmultilinked多链接的Pvalue-linking连系值Pcross-linkn.交叉结合Penlinkvt.把…连结起来Plinkeda.连接的连锁的Plinkupn.结合连结联合Plinkattribute链路属性Psingly-linked单向链接Pcross-linkagen.交联键Psex-linkagen.伴性遗传Plinker连接程序链接程序Plink-attached链路连接的Plinksmann.打高尔夫球的人Pindex-linking与指数联系的Plinkagen.联合连锁结合联动Pinterlinking链接互连链环连系Pinterlinkvt.把…互相连结n.连环Plinkworkn.以环扣连结之物联动装置Pinterlinkage链接互连联接链环交链




link用作不及物动词时,主要表示“连接起来,联系着”,后接介词to表示“与…连接”;接副词up表示“连接;结合”;后接介词with表示“将…与…相连;与…联合”;link up with是“与…联合〔汇合,碰头〕”的意思。

用作动词Television stations around the world arelinkedby satellite.全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起。
The roadlinksall the new towns.这条路把所有的新城镇都连接起来了。用作名词He detached alinkfrom a chain.他从链子上拆下一个链环。
Is there alinkbetween smoking and lung disease?吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
We must question the value of ourlinkwith the university.我们要斟酌一下与这所大学联系有何价值。
We must take firm hold the keylinkof our work.我们要牢牢抓住工作的主要环节。noun.component, connection
同义词 association,channel,contact,element,hookup,network,relationship,tiearticulation,attachment,bond,connective,constituent,copula,coupler,coupling,division,fastening,hitch,in,interconnection,interface,intersection,joining,joint,junction,knot,ligament,ligation,ligature,loop,member,nexus,part,piece,ring,seam,section,splice,tie up,weld,yokevinculum
反义词 line,wholeverb.connect
同义词 associate,attach,bind,combine,hook up,identify,join,relate,tie,unitebracket,conjoin,conjugate,couple,fasten,group,incorporate,interface,network,yokehitch on,meld with,plug into,slap on,tack on,tag along,tag on,team up with,throw in with,tie in with
反义词 detach,disconnect,disjoin,dissociate,disunite,divide,divorce,loose,loosen,part,separate,sever,unfasten,untieunlink
adjoinverb attach
annexverb join or add
adjoin,affix,append,appropriate,associate,attach,connect,fasten,hitch on,hitch up,hook on,hook up,link,slap on,subjoin,tack on,tag,tag on,take on,take over,unite
articulateverb connect
concatenate,couple,fit together,hinge,integrate,join,link
articulatesverb connect
concatenates,couples,fits together,hinges,integrates,joins,links
associateverb connect in the mind
affiliate,blend,bracket,combine,concord,conjoin,correlate,couple,group,identify,join,league,link,lump together,mix,pair,relate,think of together,unite,yoke
attachverb join, fasten
add,adhere,affix,annex,append,bind,connect,couple,fix,hitch on,hitch up,hook on,hook up,latch on to,link,make fast,prefix,rivet,secure,slap on,stick,tag on,tie,unite If you have functionality that you want to provide to others, you can create an extension point that another plug-in can link to by creating an extension to it.
如果您希望为其他人提供一些功能,那么可以创建一个扩展点,通过对它创建扩展,其他插件就可以链接到这个扩展点。 ibm

Understand the financial aspect of the business. If they understand how you make money, they can understand the link between their performance and the bottom line.
了解公司的财务方面。如果他们了解你是如何赚钱的,他们就能够清楚的知道他们的表现和底线之间的联系。 yeeyan




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