释义 |
lingui 基本例句 临桂 In the late Qing period, there appeared a literary family in Lingui, Guangxi, with Wang Bida, Wang Bifan and Wang Pengyun as its representatives.摘要清代后期,广西临桂出现了一个以王必达、王必蕃、王鹏运为代表的文学家族,三人的文学创作都有一定的成就,其中王鹏运的成就最为突出,为“晚清四大词人”之一。 Inscriptions by Bao Yu and the Four Number One Scholars of Lingui包裕石壁题诗与临桂四大状元 On the Initial Consonants, Compound Vowels and Intonation and Noun Suffixes of Yining, Dialect Lingui临桂县义宁话的语缀 school of Lingui临桂词派 |