

单词 lingering over
释义 lingering over短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
And since most food snobs are also good liberals who savor their expensive bounty while lingering over the Sunday Times, the contradiction can be sickening.
还有,大部分的食物挑剔者也是良好的自由派人士,在周日徘徊的时候,他们依然在品尝那些昂贵的食物,但这样的矛盾确实令人感到作呕。 yeeyan

Given the extent of the cuts and transpositions, there could be no lingering over the development of character.
因如此程度的浓缩和换位,角色的深入毫不拖泥带水。 ecocn

Goodbye, My heart was lingering over there,and unwilling to leave.
再见了,我的心却留在了那里,迟迟不愿离去。 yeeyan

The severe doubts lingering over it, even though overdue, should be turned into a meaningful learning process toward rational debate.
萦绕着它的严重怀疑,甚至已经过期了,应该向着理性的方向成为一个有意义的学习过程。 yeeyan




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