释义 |
Linford ˈlɪnfərd 高 基本例句 n.林福德¹⁰⁰ CharlesLinfordTayce, Ph.D. Professor of Non-Human Languages at new York Occult College. Born 1940. No known siblings.纽约秘术大学非人类语言学教授。生于1940。目前所知没有兄弟姐妹。 In Atlanta, the British sprinterLinfordChristie was disqualified for twice breaking around the 0.008 second mark.亚特兰大奥运会上,英国选手林福德-克里斯蒂就是因为两次起跑都被测定在0.;008秒,被判抢跑,从而失去了继续比赛的资格。 Controversial former sprinterLinfordChristie will not carry the Beijing Olympic torch when it passes through London.备受争议的前英国著名短跑高手克里斯蒂将不会参加在伦敦举行的奥运圣火传递。 And, proving she's just a kid at heart, she already had her sights on her next goal -- heroLinfordChristie's autograph.版权属原作者所有,转载须经本站及作者许可,并注明出处! The decision to inviteLinfordChristie to be a torchbearer was not taken by the Mayor.The Mayor only had the right to nominate five torchbearers andLinfordChristie was not one of them.该发言人说:“克里斯蒂被邀请参加奥运圣火传递时,恰好是他正带运动员在国外进行适应炎热天气的训练的时间。” LinfordChristie克里斯蒂 |