

单词 linen
释义 lin·en 英ˈlɪnən美ˈlɪnənAHDlĭnʹən ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA⁸¹⁶³BNC⁶⁷⁰¹iWeb⁶⁵⁰¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


cloth made from the plant flax


sheets, tablecloths, etc.

a fabric woven with fibers from the flax planta high-quality paper made of linen fibers or with a linen finishwhite goods or clothing made with linen cloth来源于拉丁语lin.um亚麻,亚麻线。
词根词缀: -lin-亚麻线 + -en制质的
同源词:align, lineage, lineal, lineament, line, liner
用作名词 n.
动词+~bleach the linen漂白亚麻布change the linen换床单starch the linen给亚麻布上浆wash the linen洗床单枕套形容词+~fine linen细麻布fresh linen干净的床单和枕套名词+~bed linen床单table linen亚麻布台布
用作名词n.wash one's dirty linen in public

家丑外扬,把丑事公开make unpleasant subjects public which ought to be kept private

lin亚麻+en…制成的→亚麻制成的⇒转作名词亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品。非常记忆line线〖熟词〗+n门〖编码〗⇒亚麻布的线勾在门上了联想记忆line绳+n→亚麻编的绳→亚麻织品联想记忆line绳+n→亚麻编的绳→亚麻织品联想记忆line线+ n ⇒亚麻织品近义词 cloth布lawn草坪sheet被单fabric结构napkin餐巾woven编织的textile纺织品bedclothes铺盖woven fabric织物linen paper布纹纸bedding寝具人或动物…
用作名词n.The worker is starching the linen.这名工人正在给亚麻布上浆。
She put fresh linen on a bed.她在床上铺上了干净的床单和枕套。Punderlinenn.内衣衬衣Plinendrapern.亚麻织品零售商报纸

用作名词The oldlinensmelled of the tomb.旧亚麻布散发出墓地的气味。
Flax is used to makelinen.亚麻用来织亚麻布。
Low elasticity, imparting a hard, smooth texture, makeslinensubject to wrinkling.弹性较低,使得质地坚硬光滑,亚麻制品容易起皱纹。用作形容词He has abandoned suits in favour oflinenjackets and khaki trousers and no tie.他不穿西装,喜欢穿亚麻夹克和卡其布长裤,而且不打领带。noun.fabric
同义词 bedding,cloth,lingeriecambric,damask,garments,lawn,napery,paper,threadbrabant,dornick,toile
beddingnoun covering for sleeping furniture
bed linen,bedclothes,bedspread,blanket,comforter,cover,coverlet,eiderdown,electric blanket,pillow,pillowcase,quilt,sheet,spread,thermal blanket For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential.
过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。 yeeyan

I’m inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen.
我倾向于给写在亚麻布上的大纲中的这些学科划下画线. ebigear

I’m wheeling a metal cart full of clean linen toward the elevator when I turn a corner and nearly pin a white coat to the wall.
我推着金属车朝电梯走去,上面装满了洗干净的亚麻床单,当我拐进一个角落时,差点把一件白色的大衣顶在墙上。 yeeyan

“ In the Valley of the Golden Mummies they are covered by linen and some plaster, ” he said.
“在金木乃伊谷,木乃伊是用亚麻和一些石膏覆盖”,他说。 yeeyan

After that, he put on a shirt made of linen.
那之后,他穿上一件亚麻布衬衫。 ebigear

America brought thousands of tons of detergent, linen, clothes etc. to Russia.
美国给苏联带来了成千上万吨的清洁剂、亚麻布、衣服等。 yeeyan

But Isis found the pieces, made wax copies of them to be worshipped in a temple and, preserving Osiris’ body with linen bandages; she breathed life back into him.
但是伊西斯找到了尸体碎片,并把它们重新拼到一起,并且到一个庙宇中祈祷并给尸体绑上亚麻绷带,他使奥西里斯重新获得呼吸。 blog.sina.com.cn

He had on brown slacks and a white linen shirt.
那天他穿着棕色裤子和白色亚麻衬衫。 yeeyan

He has abandoned suits in favour of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie.
他不穿西装,喜欢穿亚麻夹克和卡其布长裤,而且不打领带。 hjenglish

He was embalmed and wrapped in fine linen with a stiffening rod of wood placed along his back for support.
他被涂抹上香料和包裹在优质的亚麻布里,背后以坚硬的木杆支撑。 yeeyan

I love those older couples on planes who wear navy blazers and linen pants and expensive loafers.
我很喜欢那些飞机上的老年夫妻,他们穿着海军外套,亚麻布长裤和昂贵的休闲皮鞋。 yeeyan

Image above: My embroidered linen pillows play with contrasting words and their meanings. Turn them over and they say “ still” and“ life”.
上图:我的刺绣亚麻靠垫上面印的都是反义词。反过来上面写的是“静止”和“生活”。 yeeyan

Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.
乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。 kekenet

She is wearing a string of huge red beads, like boiled sweets, and a voluminous linen tunic.
她戴着一串大粒的红色珠子,就像是煮熟的糖果,身上穿着一件长长的亚麻束腰外衣。 yeeyan

She stared at him for a moment, taking in the cream-coloured linen suit, the shoes.
她盯着他看了一会儿,仔细地打量他米色的亚麻布套装、鞋子。 yeeyan

Silk, bamboo, linen, wheat and rice straw were all used differently, and paper made with silk became the first type of luxury paper.
丝绸,竹子,亚麻,麦杆和稻杆都不同程度地被用于制造纸张,而丝绸制造的纸张成了奢侈纸张的首要类型。 yeeyan

The Greeks and Romans lived, I suppose, very comfortably though they had no linen.
我猜想,即便没有亚麻布,以前的希腊人和罗马人依旧能生活得很舒适。 yeeyan

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