

单词 Lincoln
释义 Lincoln 英ˈlɪŋkən美ˈlɪŋkənAHDlĭngʹkən 高Economist⁸⁵⁷⁰

16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the American Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth 1809-1865capital of the state of Nebraska; located in southeastern Nebraska; site of the University of Nebraskalong-wooled mutton sheep originally from Lincolnshirelincoln mount林肯峰Lincoln's Inn林肯律师学院…Lincoln green林肯绿Lincoln weld埋弧自动焊
近义词 Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯…

AbrahamLincolnabolished slavery in the United States.亚伯拉罕·林肯在美国废除了奴隶制。
Lincolnis a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.林肯是一个穷苦孩子而功成名就的出色例子。
The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency ofLincoln.在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。
PresidentLincolnwas born poor.林肯总统出身贫寒。 Although all schoolchildren learn Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, what they learn about what happened after that depends on whether they live in the north or the south.
尽管所有的在校学生都知道是亚伯拉罕.林肯解放了奴隶,但是对这之后发生的事情的了解程度,则取决于这些学生来自北部还是南部。 yeeyan

But Lincoln questioned if slavery was such an institution. He said slavery had not tied the states of the Union together, but had always been an issue that divided them.
但林肯质疑,不同的社会制度是否包括像奴隶制这样的制度,他说,奴隶制并没有将美国各个州团结在一起,相反,它总是使美国走向分裂。 yeeyan




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