

单词 limping
释义 limp·ing 英'lɪmpɪŋ美'lɪmpɪŋ 高COCA²⁸³⁷³BNC³²²⁸⁶iWeb³⁶⁶⁴⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feetlimp-ing动名词⇒n.跛行⁶⁸;蹒跚动词limp的现在分词形式.近义词 lameness跛gimp绒丝带gimpiness跛gameness不认输claudication跛行
用作名词Thelimpingshrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.跛行的虾冲动实现强制的职责。
When you dance it you look like you'relimping, which is an explanation the Dominicans give for its origin.跳梅伦格舞时,看起来就像是在跛行,这是多米尼加人对梅伦格舞由来的一种解释。
It took her several seconds to be sure that the figurelimpinghis way across the square was the rejecting lover of her imagination.她先是一愣,然后才看出那步履蹒跚越过广场的身影,是想象中已离她而去的情人。
But he was noticeablylimpingby the fourth quarter and finally hobbled off the court in the final minute, with the outcome decided.但在第四节,他明显一瘸一拐并最终在大局已定的情况下蹒跚着离开赛场。as in.halting
同义词 awkward,clumsy,labored,stumbling,tentativebumbling,faltering,lumbering,slow,stammering,stuttering,vacillating,waveringclaudicant,doubtful,gauche,imperfect,indecisive,inept,irresolute,maladroit,uncertain,unhandy,vacillatory,wooden
反义词 adroit,clever,dexterous,easy,gracefulflowing,smooth,unhesitatingas in.lame
同义词 sorebruised,deformed,disabled,game,halt,handicapped,hobbling,pained,sidelined,stiffgimpy
反义词 able,graceful,healthyagile,mobileuncrippled
haltingadjective hesitant
lameadjective unable to walk properly
lamestadjective unable to walk properly
bruised,deformed,disabled,game,gimp,gimpy,halt,handicapped,hobbling,limping,pained,raw,sidelined,sore,stiff A good number of Mr Jois’s students seemed constantly to be limping around with injured knees or backs because they had received his“ adjustments”, yanking them into Lotus, the splits or a backbend.
乔伊斯很多的学生因为接受他的「调整」,硬扯猛拉去作莲花盘坐、劈腿或后仰,造成膝盖或脊椎受伤,还是一跛一拐地持续来作练习。 yeeyan

As several strong aftershocks pummeled the stricken city of340,000, which has endured continuous tremors since September's disaster, bleeding and limping survivors emerged from damaged buildings.
这次袭击这个有34万人口城市的地震属于去年9月份的大地震的许多余震之一。 现在为止不断有流血和跛行的市民从被毁坏的建筑中逃出。 yeeyan

Although the housing market continues to contract— the latest figures show sales falling, prices tumbling and the number of vacant homes soaring—the economy is limping rather than slumping.
虽然房地产市场继续签约成交——但最新数字显示销售降低、价格暴跌及空房数字飙升——经济正处于疲软而不是衰退。 ecocn

He told me that as a youth he was very involved in karate, but that at the age of twenty five he was injured while working on his father's fishing boat, and he had been limping ever since.
他告诉我自己年轻时曾热衷于空手道,但是25岁那年,在父亲的渔船上干活时不慎受伤,从此成了瘸子。 putclub




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