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词汇 Li Keran
释义 Li Keran
Li Keranstudied the best painting techniques of ancient and modern painters, and at the same time, paid attention to real life in drawing sketches.李可染在吸取前人和同代人艺术优长的基础上,非常重视生活,重视写生
Li Keranstudied the best painting techniques of ancient and modern painters, and at the same time, paid real life in drawing sketches.李可染在吸取前人和同代人艺术优长的基础上,非常重视生活,重视写生
Zhangbaoquan the new “space.Three ”design for theLi Keranthan the ink paintings, the black shadow of metamorphoses into any light changes.张宝全把全新的“空间.;蒙太奇”设计比作李可染的水墨画,浓重的墨色中幻化出光影变化。
Sure,money can buy the artworks of late master painters such as Xu Beihong,Qi Baishi andLi Keran,but can you use it to “clone” Xu Beihong,Qi Baishi orLi Keran?你有的是钱,徐悲鸿的奔马,齐白石的小虾,李可染的水牛,你统统可以买下来,没错。但你只能买到人家的产品,不能用钱造个徐悲鸿、齐白石、李可染出来。
Sure, money can buy the artworks of late master painters such as Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi andLi Keran, but can you use it to “clone” Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi orLi Keran?你有的是钱,徐悲鸿的奔马,齐白石的小虾,李可染的水牛,你统统可以买下来,没错,但你只能买到人家的产品,不能用钱造个徐悲鸿、齐白石、李可染出来。




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