

单词 liked
释义 liked 英laɪkt美laɪkt 高COCA²³⁰⁶BNC²³⁸³iWeb³⁷³⁴⁰Economist³³⁸⁹
found pleasant or attractive; often used as a combining form;

a well-liked teacher

反义词 disliked动词dislike的过去…

She's neverlikedswimming.她从不爱游泳。
When I was in my teens, Ilikedplaying football.少年时我喜欢踢足球。
Helikedto fantasize that he had won a gold medal.他喜欢想像自己已经赢了一块金牌。
Shelikedto listen to children talk.她喜欢听孩子们谈话。
No onelikedto have trouble.没有人想碰到麻烦。
I've alwayslikedfishing.我一向喜欢钓鱼。
He haslikeddogs since he was a child.自从他是小孩时,他就喜欢狗。
I was surprised to find that the strong manlikedto eat conserves.我很惊讶地发现这个强壮的男人喜欢吃蜜饯。adj.popular
同义词 admired,cherished,honored,loved,prized,respectedbeloved
favoriteadjective preferred
admired,adored,beloved,best-loved,cherished,choice,darling,dear,dearest,desired,especial,esteemed,favored,intimate,main,number one,personal,pet,pleasant,popular,precious,prized,revered,sweetheart,treasured,wished-for
more preferredadjective favorite, chosen
adopted,approved,culled,decided upon,elected,endorsed,fancied,favored,handpicked,liked,named,picked,popular,sanctioned,selected,set apart,settled upon,singled out,taken,well-liked
most popularadjective well-known, favorite
accepted,approved,attractive,beloved,caught on,celebrated,crowd-pleasing,faddish,famous,fashionable,favored,in,in demand,in favor,in the mainstream,in vogue,leading,likable,liked,lovable,noted,notorious,now,okay,pleasing,praised,preferred,prevailing,prominent,promoted,right stuff,run-after,selling,social,societal,sought,sought-after,stylish,suitable,the rage,thing,trendy,well-liked,well-received
most preferredadjective favorite, chosen
adopted,approved,culled,decided upon,elected,endorsed,fancied,favored,handpicked,liked,named,picked,popular,sanctioned,selected,set apart,settled upon,singled out,taken,well-liked
popularadjective well-known, favorite
accepted,approved,attractive,beloved,caught on,celebrated,crowd-pleasing,faddish,famous,fashionable,favored,in,in demand,in favor,in the mainstream,in vogue,leading,likable,liked,lovable,noted,notorious,now,okay,pleasing,praised,preferred,prevailing,prominent,promoted,right stuff,run-after,selling,social,societal,sought,sought-after,stylish,suitable,the rage,thing,trendy,well-liked,well-received
preferredadjective favorite, chosen
adopted,approved,culled,decided upon,elected,endorsed,fancied,favored,handpicked,liked,named,picked,popular,sanctioned,selected,set apart,settled upon,singled out,taken,well-liked What I liked about her politics was that, like me, she was both idealistic and practical.
她在政治观点让我感到喜欢的是,她和我一样既怀有理想主义,又注重实际。 yeeyan

After that, I liked watching her ride ahead of me.
后来我喜欢观看她在我前面汽车的倩影了。 yeeyan

And I liked him saying that.
我喜欢他的幽默和坦诚。 yeeyan

And you liked it.
并且你喜欢它。 yeeyan

Because he liked music, she encouraged him to read music magazines or books about musicians.
因为他喜爱音乐,她鼓励他读音乐杂志或者关于音乐家的书籍。 yeeyan

But the more we talked, the more I liked him.
但是我们谈话谈得越多,我就越喜欢他。 yeeyan

But you needed to work your way through all of them, not just the ones you liked.
但是没办法,你必须通过所有的课程,而不只是你喜欢的那些。 yeeyan

He almost certainly liked it.
他几乎肯定喜欢这本书。 ecocn

He was one of the best teachers, I really liked him.
他是最好的老师之一,我真的喜欢他。 yeeyan

He worked so hard that his boss liked him very much.
他工作如此努力以至于他的老板非常喜欢他。 ebigear

He liked to hi-fi when having supper.

He liked to kibitz a card game.

He liked to be hemmed around by the reporters.

He liked to share his knowledge not by answering questions but by asking them.
他喜欢通过提问题而不是回答问题来分享他的知识。 hjenglish

He liked what I said and hired me.
他喜欢我的理论并且雇佣了我。 yeeyan

I think everyone liked me.
我以为每个人都很喜欢我。 ebigear

I liked him.
我挺喜欢他。 kekenet

I liked him for, how do you say, for his DNA?
我喜欢他的原因,你是不是说,因为他的 DNA? yeeyan

I liked them all.
我喜欢他们每一个人。 yeeyan

I liked this book.
我喜欢这本书。 ibm

In fact, I liked and respected them all.
实际上,我喜欢并尊敬他们所有人。 yeeyan

She said she liked that.
她说她喜欢那样。 yeeyan

She liked me, I knew it because she obeyed me and seemed to enjoy it.
她喜欢我,因为她服从了我而且似乎享受它,所以我知道它. putclub

She liked the head in her office with whom she stood in.

The inhabitants there all liked this little boy.
那里的居民都很喜欢这个小男孩。 ebigear

We all felt how much Grandpa would have liked that.
我们都知道爷爷一定会很喜欢那些花儿的。 ebigear

We all liked him, and trusted him.
我们都很喜欢他,相信他。 yeeyan




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