

单词 aphorisms
释义 aphorisms ˈæfəˌrɪzəmz COCA⁴⁹²⁰⁹BNC⁴³²¹⁶
n.格言¹⁰⁰;警句aphorism的复数原型aphorism的复数 Don’t base your awe of them on their aphorisms.
不要将你的敬畏建立在他们的幌子之上。 yeeyan

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved, into perpetuity, by a nation's proverbs, fables, folk wisdom, maxims, aphorisms and quotations.
智者的智慧和一个民族的谚语,寓言,民间智慧,格言汇聚而成的时代精华会永存。 blog.sina.com.cn

To express oneself in or as if in aphorisms.
阐述或转述警句的人。 hotdic

Andy told me that one of Norton's favourite aphorisms was One hand washes the other.
安迪说,诺顿最喜欢的格言就是,用一只手洗净另外一只手的罪孽。 www.jp345.com

Article, poems, maxims and aphorisms and so healthy, auspicious and peaceful as the text can be the content of calligraphy and paintings.
文章诗词,格言警句等等健康向上,吉利祥和的文字都可作为书画作品的内容。 cutpic

Capitalism, to adapt one of Winston Churchill's famous aphorisms, has proved again to be the worst possible system of economic management, except for all the alternatives.
套用温斯顿•丘吉尔 Winston Churchill的一句名言,事实再次证明,资本主义是可能存在的最糟糕的经济管理制度——除了所有其它可选制度以外。 blog.sina.com.cn

He formulated trenchant aphorisms that caught their attention.
他阐述的鲜明格言引起了人们的注意。 kekenet

He had professional aphorisms, which he inserted into his wife's mind.
他常把职业方面的一些秘诀灌输到他女人的脑子里。 ebigear

He lived, he said, by short, sharp aphorisms—“ Don't be troubled, don't be surprised, don't be arrogant”— and by simple loyalties, to God, teachers and the government.
他说,他一生信奉一句短小精悍的格言“不要忙乱,不要惊慌,不要傲慢”,并且对上帝、老师和政府保持直率的忠诚。 ecocn

He would doubtless approve of another of Harold Wilson’s aphorisms.
他无疑将会应验哈罗德•威尔逊另一个名言。 ecocn

It's one of the most basic aphorisms of business: The customer is always right.
这是一句广为所知的商业警句:消费者永远是对的。 yeeyan

Nassim Taleb: professor of risk engineering at New York University; author of“The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms” Random House and Penguin, January2011
纳西姆·塔里布:纽约大学风险工程专业教授;《普罗克汝斯忒斯的床:哲学和实践格言》兰登书屋和企鹅出版社,2011年1月的作者。 ecocn

One of the most popular aphorisms used to describe good programmers is that they're lazy.
描述杰出程序员的最流行的箴言之一就是他们很懒惰。 ibm

Some of the images are tagged with aphorisms or poems.
有些画面还配上了警句或诗。 yeeyan

The only way to read a book of aphorisms without being bored is to open it at random and, having found something that interests you, close the book and meditate.
随意地打开它,找到一些自己感兴趣的事物,然后合上书沉思,这是读一本格言书而不厌倦它的唯一方法。 blog.sina.com.cn

There is indeed no doubt that he and his predecessors were influenced by the form of the Spanish proverb in drawing up aphorisms and maxims.
毋庸置疑,他和他的先行者们受到西班牙谚语的形式影响,尤其在抽取格言警句的时候。 yeeyan

Time said actress Zhang, “with her taste for traditionally inspired dress and her reverence for ancient Chinese aphorisms, ” may be a perfect ambassador for China.
时代杂志称演员张, “她的味道,为传统服饰的启发和她崇敬古代警句, ”可能是一个完美的大使。 nnzz

Warren Buffett, renowned as much for his aphorisms as for his investing, has said that “ you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.”
就像其以投资闻名遐迩一样,沃伦.巴菲特 Warren Buffett也以其箴言著称,他曾经说过,“当潮水退去时,你所能发现的仅仅是谁在裸泳”。 ecocn

Aphorisms are essentially an aristocratic genre of writing.
格言本质上是天才般的写作。 blog.sina.com.cn

Aphorisms should be peaks, and those to whom they are addressed should be big and tall of stature.
格言是高峰,把他们标记下来的都是精神上的高大个。 blog.sina.com.cn

'Damn you, Rupert, you want all the aphorisms your own way, ' said Gerald.
该死的卢伯特,你是想让所有的格言都为你自家垄断起来。 blog.sina.com.cn




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