

单词 aphids
释义 aphids 英'eɪfɪdz美'eɪfɪdz COCA³⁵⁰⁹⁰BNC²⁴⁴¹¹
名词 aphid:
any of various small plant-sucking insectsWind has little influence on sedentaryaphids.风对不动的蚜虫很少有影响。
The young beetle larvae can eat hundreds ofaphids.而幼龄瓢虫则可吃掉数百只蚜虫。as in.insect
同义词 ant,bee,beetle,butterfly,cockroach,dragonfly,flea,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,ladybug,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,spider,termite,tickarachnid,arthropod,bedbug,bumblebee,cootie,fly,hornet,lousedaddy longlegs,praying mantis,vermin,yellowjacket
insectnoun bug
ant,aphid,arachnid,arthropod,bedbug,bee,beetle,bumblebee,butterfly,cockroach,cootie,daddy longlegs,dragonfly,flea,fly,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,hornet,ladybug,louse,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,praying mantis,spider,termite,tick,vermin,yellowjacket And yes, aphids are animals.
是的,蚜虫也是动物。 yeeyan

Rachid Hanna advises farmers to use biological controls such as natural enemies of the aphids.
理查德•汉纳建议农民采用生物防治的办法,比如引入蚜虫的天敌。 hjenglish

“ Basically, these little red aphids are like little tomatoes, ” says Moran.
“基本上,这些红色的小蚜虫看上去像小西红柿,”莫兰说。 yeeyan

Also known as plant lice, aphids are tiny soft- bodied insects that suck the nutrient-rich sap from the stems of plants.
蚜虫是一种很小的软体昆虫,以吸取植物枝干里的营养汁液为生,也被称为植物虱子。 yeeyan

Another interesting thing I learned is that when the baby ladybugs hatch, they eat30 aphids a kind of insect per day.
我发现另一个有趣的现象是当小瓢虫孵化后,它们每天要吃30只左右的蚜虫另一种虫类。 yeeyan

But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant- eating pests.
而农民喜爱他们是因为它们吃蚜虫和其他吃植物的害虫。 yeeyan

But Moran wondered if aphids were an exception to the rule.
但是,莫兰猜想,豌豆蚜虫可能是一个例外。 yeeyan

During the summer, I noticed tat the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither. Clusters of tiny insects called aphids were to be found on the underside of the leaves.
到了夏天,我发现树叶开始枯萎,结果在树叶背面找到成串的叫作蚜虫小虫子。 hjenglish

Frost, if severe and long enough, kills exposed aphids, but enhances development of overwintering eggs.
霜冻,如果是时间较长的霜冻,则可杀死裸露的蚜虫,但可引导产生越冬卵。 blogchina

Harlequins help by eating aphids but also eat a lot of other ladybugs, making it hard for natives to survive.
小丑瓢虫能捕食蚜虫,是个好帮手,但同时也吃了很多其他种类的瓢虫,以致于本土瓢虫行将灭绝。 renren

I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids.
我用胶带把树干底部捆扎起来,使蚂蚁不能到达蚜虫那里。 http://dj.iciba.com

In 1999, NASA sent ladybugs and aphids up in the space shuttle to test their movements in zero gravity.
1999年, NASA美国航空航天局将瓢虫和蚜虫带上了航天飞机以测试它们在失重状态下的行动。 yeeyan

In2000 no aphids had a particular resistance mechanism called mace.
在2000年,没有蚜虫出现一种耐药机制,称为权杖。 ecocn

Instead, one Sunday afternoon my eye caught this hoverfly larvae feasting on the aphids, something I had never seen before.
然而,一个星期天下午,我注意到这个食蚜蝇幼虫在享受着蚜虫的美味,这是我以前从未见过的。 yeeyan

Ladybugs lay their eggs in clusters or rows on the underside of a leaf, usually where aphids have gathered.
瓢虫在树叶的背面成片或成排的产卵,通常也是蚜虫聚集的地方。 yeeyan

Not only are they nice to look at, they’re also protectors of crops: these insects eat aphids and can be used by farmers in lieu of insecticide.
它们不仅外表漂亮,更是庄稼的保护能手:它们捕食蚜虫,还能帮助农民减少农药施用。 yeeyan

So the next question was, where did the aphids get the genes?
因此,接下来的问题是,蚜虫从哪里获得类胡萝卜素的基因? yeeyan

The researchers conjecture that aphids might have pilfered the genes from a fungus that was infecting them.
研究者推测可能是菌类感染了蚜虫,蚜虫才得到了这种基因。 yeeyan

The researchers noticed that invaders were often mobbed by older, wingless aphids.
研究者们还发现,闯入的捕食者通常都会遭到翅膀脱落的年老蚜虫围攻。 ecocn




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