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All this suggested that the NCAM, which regulated by light exposure, might be involved in post hatch learning and memory behaviour.
这一结果提示,不同光照条件在孵化过程中,对 NCAM表达的影响,参与了光照对小鸡后天学习记忆行为改变的过程。 cnki

During the UK winter, vitamin D from foods fortified with the vegan form ergocalciferol, D2 can help to compensate for limited light exposure.
英国的冬季,强化食品中的纯素维生素 D钙化醇,维生素 D2可以帮助弥补有限的日晒。 yeeyan

“ We don't know the dose of photosynthesizer needed, the proper wavelength of light, the amount of area to be exposed, or the length of light exposure, ” he said.
他说“我们不知道光照量,合适的波长,照射面积,或者光照时间长短”。 dxy

Early studies suggested that light exposure for three hours at the beginning and end of the day was needed, but more recent research has shown that single, intense, daily pulses are as effective.
早期研究表明,需要每天早晚这么各照3小时,但最近的研究表明,单次强烈的脉冲同样有效。 yeeyan

Results After12 hour light exposure, slight vesiculation was observed in the rod outer segment of the retinas.
结果光照后12小时,视杆细胞外节出现少量空泡变性; cnki

To explain how light exposure at night might affect the moods of both hamsters and people, the researchers turn to a hormone called melatonin.
为了解释夜间曝光是如何影响仓鼠和人类心情的,研究人员转向了一种叫褪黑激素的荷尔蒙。 yeeyan

Light exposure at the wrong times of day has been linked to all sorts of health problems.
很多各种各样的健康问题都是和一天里非正确的曝光有关。 yeeyan




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