

单词 absolute alcohol
释义 absolute alcohol ˌæbsəluːtˈælkəhɒl 短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
The dark purple powder color is soluble in water and solution of water and alcohol, but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol.
产品为暗紫色粉末,易溶于水及乙醇水溶液,不溶于油脂、无水乙醇。 dictall

The preliminary toxic experiment showed the extract has relative lower toxicity, similar to absolute alcohol, and relative lower side effects such as local stimulation etc.
初步毒性试验提示该提取液毒性较小,与无水乙醇相近,但局部刺激等毒副作用较小。 airiti

To probe into curative effect of comprehensively treating hepatocellular carcinoma by interventional chemotherapy, locally injecting TIL and injecting absolute alcohol into tumor.
探索介入化疗、局部注射 TIL、瘤内无水酒精注射综合治疗晚期肝癌的疗效。 iciba

Embolic agents were absolute alcohol, steel ring, or gelfoam.
栓塞剂主要应用无水乙醇、钢圈和明胶海绵。 cnki

For the same blending system, the penetration rates for acetic ether, absolute alcohol and gasoline, increase in sequence.
对同一体系,对乙酸乙酯渗透率最小, 无水乙醇次之,汽油最大。 chemyq

In the paper, the heating powers Qpof cyclohexane, cyclohexene, benzene, absolute alcohol and acetone are measured in certain magnetic field.
以环己烷、环己烯、苯、无水乙醇、丙酮为研究对象,在一定磁场下测定其燃烧热。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the efficacy of injection with absolute alcohol on vast non parasitic hepatic cyst by puncture needle and placed tube drainage time after time.
目的评价单纯性巨大肝囊肿穿刺置管分次无水酒精注射疗法的效果。 cnki

Objective To observe the therapeutic effect with absolute alcohol treatment on hepatic and renal cyst by percutaneous puncture under the guidance of color Doppler flow imaging CDFI.
目的观察彩色多普勒超声导向肝肾穿刺注射无水酒精治疗肝肾囊肿的疗效。 cnki

Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of absolute alcohol treatment on158 cases with hepatic and renal cyst by percutaneous puncture under the guidance of color Doppler flow image CDFI.
目的观察超声引导下肝肾穿刺注射无水酒精治疗肝肾囊肿158例的疗效和彩色多普勒超声导向作用。 cnki

Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome and security of absolute alcohol injection in the treatment of liver and renal cysts.
目的:评价无水酒精注射治疗肝、肾囊肿的临床疗效和安全性。 studa

Objective:To observe therapeutic effect with absolute alcohol treatment for118 cases renal cyst by percutaneous puncture under ultrasonographic guidance.
目的:观察超声引导下肾穿刺注射无水酒精治疗肾囊肿118例的疗效。 cnki

Purpose: To evaluate the value of absolute alcohol in patients with anomalous uterine hemorrhage treated by non vascular interventional therapy.
目的:研究无水酒精非血管性介入治疗不正常子宫出血的价值。 cnki

RESULTS The optimum self- emulsifying drug delivery system was composed of olive oil60%, Tween8535%, absolute alcohol5%.
结果优选出虾青素自乳化释药系统处方为橄榄油60%、聚山梨酯8535%、无水乙醇5%。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn

Sample of plant leaf was pulverized with absolute alcohol in a mortar to extract chlorophyll from the leaf.
将植物叶试样置于研钵中用无水乙醇研磨,使植物叶中叶绿素溶入乙醇中。 cnki

To evaluate the clinical outcome and security of absolute alcohol injection in the treatment of renal cysts.
目的评价无水酒精注射治疗肾囊肿的临床疗效和安全性。 cnki

Use chloroform, petroleum ether and absolute alcohol as extract, and set out the extractive with UV spectrum.
方法:用氯仿、石油醚、 无水乙醇三种常用溶剂做提取液,提取物用紫外光谱法测定。 chemyq

We also find that the samples' dielectric and magnetic properties can be effectually improved if we use absolute alcohol as ball- milling dispersing medium.
实验还发现,采用无水乙醇作为球磨弥散剂,能有效改善材料的介电和磁性能; cnki




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