

单词 life form
释义 life form ˈlaɪffɔːm ☆☆☆☆☆高短语²⁸³⁴⁰

the characteristic bodily form of a mature organismLichen is the dominantlife formthat covers the surfaces of stones and trees.青苔是生长在石头和树木表面的主要生物。
Obviously, thelife formis the how rarity and precious.可见,生命形式是多么的罕见与珍贵。 A newly discovered life form lives in deep, boiling hot water near hydrothermal vents in the ocean. On formate.
一种新发现的生命体生活在大洋深处热水流火山口附近滚烫的热水里,依靠甲酸盐生存。 yeeyan

At Harvard Medical School, Jack Szostak is working on a minimal cell, the components of which might be quite unlike those of any modern life form.
哈佛医学院的杰克·萧斯泰克正在研究最小细胞,其构成可能和任何现代生命体都大相径庭。 ecocn

In fact, if you take the longest possible perspective— now looking back about four billion years— you will find that every life form on earth is related to every other.
实际上,如果你从长远的角度来看的话——回顾到四十亿年前,你就会发现地球上的所有生物都是息息相关的。 putclub.com




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