释义 |
Life and Spirit 基本例句 生命精神 Her art style is effusive and delicate, full of true love forlife and spiritfor creation.她的工笔重彩,写意重彩及写意画作品多次参加国内外美术展览并获奖。 This paper tries to interpret what vitality thislife and spiritwill demonstrate in the new era from the angle of modernity.进入新时代,这种生命精神又将呈现怎样的“生机”,试从现代角度进行解读是有现实意义的。 The policy changes in Land reform, purchase and sale together and collectivization directly influenced thelife and spiritof the farmers.土改、集体化、统购统销三大政策变动,直接影响了农民的生活和精神状态。 The talented type players always injectlife and spiritinto the letters and characters,making type more appealing and fascinating.该天才型的球员总是注入生命和精神的字母和字符,使类型更具吸引力和魅力所在。 We must bear in mind that language,spoken and written,is more than a useful tool. It is also the anchor of ourlife and spirit,namely,our deep-rooted cultural identity.我们必须牢记口语文字不只是工具,而且也是我们安身立命的助缘。 |