

单词 lie with
释义 lie with研短语¹⁸¹⁸⁰
作出决定等得靠…; 应由…承担责任

have sexual intercourse with;

This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm

Adam knew Eve

Were you ever intimate with this man?

lie with a latchet彻头彻尾地撒谎…lie with one's fathers埋葬在故乡
近义词 bed床love爱know了解hump驼背bang巨响screw螺钉fuck他妈的jazz爵士乐make out起草make love做爱bonk撞击或使接触…have sex发生性行为eff效率=efficien…sleep with与 … 睡觉roll in the hay交欢get it on变得有精神have it off乱搞男女关系…have it away乱搞男女关系…sleep together两人一起睡,搞两性关系,…
as in.(copulate
同义词 bed,breed,cohabit,conjugate,couple,fornicate,lay,mate,unitebe carnal,do it,fool around,go all the way,go to bed,have coition,have relations,have sex,make it,make love,make out,sleep together,sleep with
反义词 divide,separateabstain,refrain
copulateverb have sexual relations
be carnal,bed,breed,cohabit,conjugate,couple,do it,fool around,fornicate,go all the way,go to bed,have coition,have relations,have sex,lay,make it,make love,make out,mate,sleep together,sleep with,unite But any lasting stability for the euro must lie with governments, particularly in the degree to which they are willing to give up fiscal sovereignty in return for pooling liabilities.
对欧元来说,持久的稳定必须借助政府,尤其是他们需要达成共识,放弃各自的财政主权,以此作为债务联合的代价。 yeeyan

In the battle for power within the emerging industrial economy, almost all the advantages seemed to lie with capital.
新兴工业经济社会的权利角逐战中,似乎所有的好处都被资方占尽。 ecocn

It's very easy to point the finger at other people or even processes but, be honest, does part of the problem lie with you?
把错误归咎于别人甚至工作流程很容易,但坦率地讲,有些问题是不是出在你身上呢? www.chinadaily.com.cn




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