

单词 licence plate
释义 licence plate ˈlaisənspleit 短语⁵²⁸⁶⁶
And soon it will be an American licence plate too.
很快这也将成为一种美国车牌。 ecocn

The author puts forward a research method recognize vehicle licence plate with noisy base on artificial neural network.
提出一种用神经网络识别带有噪声字符的研究方法。 dictall

But for whom does a licence plate speak?
但是一个牌照到底是为谁说话? ecocn

Kelly Coffman- Lee wanted to tell the world about her fondness for bean curd by picking certain letters for her SUV's licence plate.
凯里考夫曼-李想要通过选择某些字母组合作为她的 SUV的车牌,来告诉全世界她对豆腐的喜爱。 blog.sina.com.cn

The FBI and state police were called in to help search for the gunman, whose licence plate was registered to a home in a suburb of Kansas City,200 miles away.
联邦调查局FBI和州警察局接到指令,协助搜寻枪击者——他的车牌登记地点在200英里之外堪萨斯市郊的家里。 yeeyan

This paper introduces the method of licence plate extraction in static image based on region labeled.
本文提出了一种基于区域标注的方法来实现静态图像中的车牌提取。 com

We occasionally miss a face or licence plate, for example if they are partially covered, or at a difficult angle, “ the company said.”
谷歌称:我们有时会错过一个脸孔或车牌照,比如他们是部分遮盖,或者观察角度很困难。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

What's your licence plate number?
您的车牌号码是多少? hxen




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