释义 |
LIBS 基本例句 Library Information and Bibliographic-system 图书馆信息目录系统 The ending part concludes the main contents of this article, pointing out the deficiencies of usage of LIBS in mineral quantitative measurement and the providing suggestions for future study. 结尾总结了本文的主要研究内容,指出利用 LIBS技术进行矿石定量测量的不足之处,并对下一步的研究提出了建议。 fabiao Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy LIBS has been shown to be a promising technique for element analysis. However, self- absorption effect deeply influences the LIBS measurements. 激光诱导击穿光谱 LIBS技术是一种新兴的元素分析技术,但自吸收效应对 LIBS测量的影响较大。 opticsjournal With the increasing demand to explore distant stars and resources on Earth in recent year, global materials, rocks included, have become the focus of quantitative analysis of LIBS. 近年来,由于受到外星体和地球资源探索等应用需求的吸引,包括岩石在内的地球物质成为 LIBS定量分析的重点对象。 fabiao |