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词汇 libran
释义 libran
A negative personality trait of a Libran is he likes to be always praised and would want to be center of attraction and attention.
天秤的缺点是,喜欢被表扬,希望成为众人瞩目的焦点。 yeeyan

In the case of a business partnership or understanding, it is next to impossible for the Capricorn to handle the frivolous and extravagant Libran outlook.
商场上是又一个摩羯与天秤无法协调的地方。 kekenet

Of the popular personality traits of a Libran, is they dislike hurting anybody and are diplomatic in handling sensitive issues.
天秤最普遍的个性之一,是他们不愿伤害任何人,处理起敏感问题来很有方法。 yeeyan

One of the important personality traits of a Libran is diplomacy. Librans are impersonal and impartial.
天秤的一大重要特性是具有社交才华,他们客观公正。 yeeyan

The compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs is sure to woo those who matter to the planned ascent. This trait of the Libran is greatly admired by the Capricorn.
摩羯与天秤的共性之一就是都会追求那些对其事业上进与攀登有利的人的支持,这让他们互相间的好感来得非常容易。 yeeyan

The Capricorn is identified and credited with being organized and is very appealing to the Libran, especially one who is experiencing a transition between love affairs.
摩羯座是个有条理且严谨的星座,这对于天秤座来说非常具有吸引力——尤其是在恋爱当中。 yeeyan

An Arian makes a good life partner for a Libran. Gemini and Virgo help in spiritual enhancement.
白羊们会是天秤很好的人生伴侣,水瓶和处女能帮助获得精神升华。 yeeyan

Another personality trait of a Libran is they love to hold intellectual conversations and they could debate on anything of their interest for hours,.
另外,天秤还喜欢进行理性对话,他们会在自己感兴趣的任何事情上激辩数小时。 yeeyan

Don't be a lazy Libran!
不要再懒惰啦平子! douban

Libra is also the sign ruling law, and when a Libran wants to formalize a love relationship, they want it to be legal.
天秤也是代表法律的一个标志,因而,当天秤座想要固化一段爱的关系,他们会想要将其合法化。 douban

Libras also can be a bit bossy, which is why many Libran males become authoritarians, and Libran parents often expect their children to be perfect.
天秤们通常也是爱发号施令的,这也是为什么天秤男们独裁主义、天秤家长经常希望他们的小孩完美的原因。 douban

Some romantic relationships with Librans can go down the tubes because the Libran expects a mate who looks like their ideal.
一些与天秤相关的浪漫关系会付诸东流也是因为天秤们希望对方是一个符合他们理想的完美对象。 douban

Sometimes, however, it's difficult dealing with the Libran tendency toward perfectionism.
然而很多时候,困难的是与天秤的完美注意倾向打交道。 douban

There are some great Capricorn and Libran friendships and marriages that are exceptions and prove such theory wrong.
现实里还是有许多了不起的摩羯和天秤的友谊,甚至爱情,能够证明这个结论是片面的。 exam8

This trait of the Libran is greatly admired by the Capricorn. It is interesting to note that the Libran feels tied down and stifled very soon and hates the feel.
摩羯座及其羡慕天秤座的这个特质,但有趣的是,天秤座却感到受牵制与苦闷,并痛恨这样的感觉。 kekenet

You, on the other hand, lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.
另一方面,你也缺少让天秤座的对象一直开心的经验。 putclub

Your Libran mate will be far too indecisive for you and you lack the sophistication that the Scales demand in a partner.

Libran is a great listener and has good perception skills.
天秤善于倾听,有很好的理解力。 yeeyan

Libran lessons feel particularly urgent, as the Sun unites with Saturn and energizes the powerful Cardinal Grand Cross.
天秤座的影响特别明显,因为太阳和土星会形成一个大十字,这是一个很少见的排列。 yeeyan

Libran is best compatible with Aquarius and Gemini and least with Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.
最能与天秤和谐相处的星座是双子和水瓶,其次是白羊座、巨蟹座和摩羯座。 yeeyan

Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart.
天秤座母亲浪漫温情、充满同情心。 kekenet

Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart. Present her with a beautiful bundle of roses. She'd be touched to receive roses from her beloved children.




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