

释义 LIBOR ˈliːbər 高Economist¹¹³⁹⁵
abbr.伦敦银行同业拆借利率=London Inter-bank offered rate
As of June2nd the three- month dollar LIBOR rate had more than doubled to above 0.5%, a level last seen a year ago, after lounging comfortably for months at about 0.25%.
三个月美元 LIBOR率在经历数月“慵懒”地保持为约0.25%之后,自6月2日以来已增加超一倍,达逾0.5%,与一年前的水平相当。 ecocn

The three-month dollar Libor declined every day last week, for a total drop of 4/10 of a percentage point, in a sign of that banks are a little more willing to lend to one another.
三个月期美元 Libor拆息上周每天都有所下滑,总计下滑0.4个百分点,这表明银行提供同业拆借的意愿有所增强。 ebigear

In recent weeks there has been a rise in both LIBORa gauge of banks’ borrowing costs and the credit- default- swap spreads on bank bondsthe cost of insuring against default risk.
近几周,伦敦同业拆借利率 LIBOR,银行借贷利率基准)和银行债券的信用违约交换利差规避违约风险成本同时上升。 ecocn

On Thursday, the three-month dollar London interbank offered rate, or Libor, hit 4.75%. On the Friday before Lehman filed for bankruptcy protection, the three-month rate was2.81875%.
周四,3个月期美元英国银行同业拆息( Libor为4.75%,在雷曼兄弟提交破产保护申请前的那个周五,该利率是2.81875%。 ebigear




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