

单词 libertarians
释义 libertarians ˌlibəˈtɛəriənz COCA³⁰⁸⁸⁷BNC⁴⁶³⁸⁵Economist¹⁴⁹¹⁷
n.思想或行动等的自由论者libertarian的名词复数原型libertarian的复数 But for the people of China and Cambodia, recent events have meant a leap toward freedom that can only bring rejoicing to the hearts of libertarians everywhere.
但是对于中国和高棉的人民来讲,近些年来的事件象征着向自由的迈进,这足以让世界各地的自由至上主义者感到欢欣鼓舞。 yeeyan

MY COLLEAGUE noted the other day the discussion Matthew Yglesias has been having with his readers over whether liberals and libertarians can agree on some regulations they both hate.
一天我的同事提到了 Matthew Yglesias与其读者进行的一场讨论自由主义者和自由意志主义者能不能在他们都憎恶的规定上面达成一致。 yeeyan

Some conservative libertarians are arguing that birthright citizenship is bad for the country— and some progressive libertarians are arguing that it is bad for immigrants.
一些保守的自由主义者认为出生公民权对这个国家有害,而有些自由主义改革派则认为出生公民权对移民有害。 yeeyan

Yet when he dropped in on a convention of small- government libertarians in his home town of Orlando, Florida, last year, he was greeted like a rock star.
甚至,当他因参加小政府自由主义者的集会而来到自己的家乡佛罗里达州的奥兰多时,他就像个摇滚明星一样受到欢迎。 ecocn




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