

单词 Lib Dem
释义 Lib Dem 英ˌlɪb'dem美ˌlɪb'dem 
abbr.=Liberal Democrat;n
It givesLib Demleaders a way to argue activists out of promising to out-spend Labour.至于自由民主党,它的领导人则因此找到了一个劝阻激进分子在支出上与劳工党攀比的由头。
ButLib Demeducation spokeswoman Sarah Teather said: “The figures show this Government has spectacularly failed to get a grip on truancy.” 但是Lib Dem教育部发言人SARAH Teather说:数据显示政府对逃学已失去它的功效 。
Even if the outcome is not theLib Demnirvana of a hung parliament, with its mythical potential for coalitions and pacts, the party may emerge stronger than the carpers predict.自民党希望选举结果是无多数议会,好借此时机浴火重生,即便不能如愿,凭其擅订联盟及协约的神奇潜质,自民党也比苛评者预言的要更强大。
Plans to boost blackLib DemMPs计划增加黑色薪高程库




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