

单词 Liaodong
释义 Liao·dong 英ˈljaʊˈdʌŋ美ˈljaʊˈdʌŋAHDlyouʹdŭngʹ BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
In the west area of LiaoDong Bay, the sea breeze circulation prevails for four seasons, this is the main feature of the weather phenomenon in this area.
辽东湾西部地区四奉均存在海陆风天气,且海陆风是这一地区一主要天气特征。 cnki

Prediction of pressure forming mechanism in the northern part of Liaodong Bay is subcompaction, diagenesis, hydrocarbon forming and deep thermal fluid.
生压机制推测是欠压实作用、成岩作用、成烃增压、深部热流体进入等。 cnki

The appearance and characteristic of deformation of Indosinian period in Bohai Bay basin, Yanshan tectonic belt, Liaoxi, Liaodong, and Luxi areas were discussed.
讨论了渤海湾盆地及燕山构造带、胶南隆起、辽西、辽东等地区印支期构造运动的表现、变形特征、变形期次。 dictall

The metamorphic core- complex structure distributed in Lushun- Dalian- Jinzhou-Zhuanghe- Pulandian area in the south of Liaodong Peninsula.
辽东半岛南部变质核杂岩构造展布于旅顺、大连、金州、庄河、普兰店地区。 cnki

The model is used to calculate the volume of hydrocarbon expulsion in Liaodong Bay and the result is satisfactory.
应用该模型研究辽东湾地区的排烃,取得了良好效果。 cnki

A numerical experiment was carried out to reveal the current features in the Liaodong Bayhead.
本文通过数值试验,对辽东湾顶部海流的某些基本特征作了初步探讨。 cnki

As to when the construction of Shenyang City started, historians usually believe it to be related to the construction of the Houcheng City in the Liaodong County.
关于沈阳何时开始建城的问题,史学家一般都认为始于辽东郡候城县的建立。 cnki

Before Yongning Formation sedimented on Liaodong palaeocontinent, there existed a stratum corresponding to Yangzhuang and Wumishan Fs. in West Liaoning.
永宁组沉积前,辽东古陆可能还存在同辽西杨庄组、雾迷山组相当的层位。 cnki

Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.

Drilling operations of Jidong, Dagang and other oilfields in gulfs of Liaodong and Bohai inevitably meet a kind of formation consisting of pyroclastic rock being easy to slough off.
在辽东湾、渤海湾及其邻近的冀东油田和大港油田东部的钻遇地层中存在易塌的火山岩地层。 cnki

Finally, the paper exploits the expert system of Liaodong Bay spilled oil emergency response with VB, aiming at above contents.
最后,针对上述内容,本文使用 VB语言,开发了辽东湾冰区溢油应急反应专家系统。 cnki

Lianhe shallow sea oilfield located in the north Liaodong Bay is an oil & gas oilfield with the proved reserves over a hundred million tons.
辽河滩海油田是位于辽东湾北部探明储量超亿吨规模的油气田。 cnki

Located on the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian was occupied in1898 by Russia and seven years later by Japan.
位于辽东半岛南端的大连,1898开始由俄国统治,达七年之久。1905年开始,日本占领大连40年。 blog.sina.com.cn

Managing and Exploiting agriculture with special characteristics is main task and to set up the cultivation nad exploitation of special species in micro valley in Liaodong hilly.
立足于辽东山区微型小流域的地域空间,以经营开发“特色农业”为主线,着眼于山区小流域特产资源的培育与开发。 cnki

Multilayer rafted ice is a characteristic ice type in Liaodong Bay and results from the interactions of marine environmental dynamics.
多层重叠冰是辽东湾海冰中特有的一种冰类型,它是海洋环境动力作用的产物。 cnki

Panjin, China: A man walks on the frozen sea near Liaodong Bay.
盘锦辽东湾,一名男子在冰冻的海面上行走。 putclub

Qin and Han dynasties, Dalian jurisdiction of Liaodong county.
秦汉时期,大连地区属辽东郡辖区。 blog.sina.com.cn

Site type of coastal hilly area in Liaodong Peninsula.
辽东半岛沿海丘陵立地类型; cnki

The Hongyanhe nuclear power plant is located in Liaodong Bay, northern China, which is often invaded and impacted by tropical cyclones.
红沿河核电厂区位于我国北方海域的辽东湾东海岸,经常受到北上热带气旋的侵袭和影响。 dictall

The Liaohe oilfield Tai- Kui pipeline route area is located in the Liaodong Bay head tidal channel area.
辽河油田太—葵管道路由区位于辽东湾顶潮汐水道区。 dictall

The results applied to some seismic profiles in the Liaodong Bay Basin are satisfactorily coincident with the observation.
在辽东湾盆地某测线的应用中获得了满意的结果。 cnki

The Liaodong Peninsula is located south of Liaoning Province which is the Chinese second big peninsula.
辽东半岛位于辽宁省南部,是中国第二大半岛。 fabiao

There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula.
在辽东半岛的北边有一场大战。 kekenet

This paper gives some results of our study on sea breeze in LiaoDong Bay, we think these can show some feature of this phenomenon in the middle latitude.
本文列出我们在辽东湾研究海陆风的一些结论,这些结论反映了中纬度地区海陆风的基本特征。 cnki

Yingkou is situated in northwestern Liaodong Peninsula. It is a garden-like port city.
营口位于辽东半岛西北部,是一座花园般的港口城市。 chinese

Liaodong in Ming Dynasty was a frontier area, where national contradictions and conflicts were common phenomena.
明代辽东为边疆地区,民族矛盾和冲突是普遍存在的现象。 dictall




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